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那个剧本是对一个简短事故的戏剧化。The play was a dramatization of a short story.

直到他们认识到,这并非是夸大。Until they realize that it wasn't a dramatization.

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和一个团体的工作并且创作一个表现威胁的戏剧。Work with a group and create a dramatization that shows bullying.

这短暂的BBC广播4台戏剧,是十分专业和有很多乐趣。This short BBC Radio 4 dramatization is thoroughly professional and a lot of fun.

电影里庞大驱逐的剧情,似乎让中国的审查单位感到很紧张。The dramatization of this massive eviction seems to be making Chinese censors nervous.

第三章分析戏剧化与“非个人化抒情”的关系。The third chapter analyses the relation between dramatization and impersonal lyricism.

本论文题为“戏剧化与亨利·詹姆斯的小说叙事艺术”。The thesis is entitled " Dramatization and the Fictional Narration Art of Henry James".

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这种叙事格局明显体现了小说家对戏曲化的思维认同。This narrative setup reflected clearly novelist′s identification in thinking with dramatization.

片中焦波对感人生活细节的讲述,突显了本片的故事化倾向。Jiao Bos narration about the moving details in the daily life highlights the tendency to dramatization.

第三章从诗人和文本言说者的关系,阐析“主体的戏剧化”。The third chapter explains the dramatization of subject from the relationship between poet and words speaker.

洛杉矶奥运会成为了一场壮观的美国复兴的商业和乐观主义的表演。The Los Angeles Olympics became a spectacular dramatization of a renascent American entrepreneurial energy and optimism.

学生经常从事角色或者课本剧表演,以便使自己的目标语使用适宜于不同的社会语境。Students often engage in role-play or dramatization to adjust their use of the target language to different social contexts.

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西迁的过程中,坏人横行,英雄辈出,这类影视剧至今仍有无穷的魅力。The movement to the west has its heroes as well as its villains, and its dramatization still has an inexhaustible fascination.

汤显祖、沈璟在不同的方面对戏曲的文人化、规范化、戏曲化做出了自己的贡献。Tang and Shen made they own contributions in different aspects of the scholarization, standardization and dramatization for drama.

这种情况可能表现为渲染或虚构,例如关于真实事件的文献电视电影或其他戏剧化改编。These may arise in the context of embellishment or fictionalization, such as in a docudrama or other dramatization of a true story.

叙事的戏剧化是指在叙事活动中借用戏剧的元素、形式与力量来达到叙事目的。Narrative dramatization refers to realization of the narrative aim by means of drama's elements, form and force in narrative activities.

由于电视民生新闻的拟剧化和表演性,就出现了媒体逼视、节目的平庸化以及真实性危机等等各种问题。Because of the dramatization and performativity of TV civil news, the problems of media imposition, plainness and truth crisis come into being.

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很多教堂举办圣诞夜烛光仪式或午夜弥撒,有些还包括耶稣诞生弥撒或再现耶稣降生场面的表演。Many churches hold Christmas Eve candlelight or midnight services. Some include a Mass of the Nativity or a dramatization of the birth of Jesus.

其中大多借鉴西洋大歌剧的创作经验,力图解决音乐戏剧化问题。Most of these works borrowed from the creative experience of major western operas in their efforts to solve the problems of musical dramatization.

本章还首次提出布莱克的“自我分化”思想对穆旦写作中的主体戏剧化的深刻影响。For the first time, this chapter has suggested the deep effects of William Blake's idea of "the separation of myself" on Mudan's dramatization writing.