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金赛报道多重高潮再去爱男性中比女性多。Men report multiple orgasm more than women in the Kinsey report.

外贸部的金西先生有电话,他在吗?We have a call for Mr. Kinsey in the Overseas Business Department. Is he there?

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“‘多便是好’的办法太过简化了”,金赛学院的Jassen博士说。"The 'more is better' prescription is too simplistic, " says the Kinsey Institute's Dr. Janssen.

希拉里金赛是研究国际事务。她花了三个星期,在斯泰伦博斯程序。Hillary Kinsey is studying international affairs. She spent three weeks in the Stellenbosch program.

美国Kinsey学会的性学者发现一般女士在性爱10到20分钟后可以达到高潮。Sexologists at the Kinsey Institute in the US found that the average woman can orgasm after 10-20 minutes of sex.

假如金赛的研究结果是准确的,哪怕并不完全符合我们的期望,对男男女女来说,事情也看上去完全不同了。Things do seem different for men and women, but, if the Kinsey research is accurate, not in exactly the ways we expected.

当金赛博士女士最近从南非回来,她和其他同学在程序创建的一个非盈利性组织。When Ms. Kinsey returned from South Africa recently, she and other students in the program created a nonprofit organization.

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其实,在此之前美国性学家金赛就开始使用科学方法研究人类性行为,并成为现代性学的先驱者。In fact, before the U. S. sexologist Kinsey began to use the scientific method of human sexuality, and become a pioneer of modern sexology.

金赛使之更为清晰,揭开忌讳,让医生、哲学家及道德学者能更深入探讨正常与越轨行为。Kinsey was articulating this, uncovering taboos and enabling doctors, philosophers, moralists to probe more deeply into normal and aberrant behaviour.

阿克伦的丹尼尔在金西的土地,在十项全能在美国室外田径锦标赛,星期五,2010年6月25日,在得梅因,爱荷华州跳远坑。Akron's Daniel Kinsey lands in the pit during the decathlon long jump at the USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships, Friday, June 25, 2010, in Des Moines, Iowa.

Herbenick同时也是印第安纳金赛性、性别和生育研究所的性保健教育家,她针对研究提出了以下建议Herbenick, also a sexual health educator for The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction, offers the following suggestions regarding the findings