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它的表面渗出物很少。Surface exudation is minimal.

双边地的最小膝流出物。Minimal knee effusion bilaterally.

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一个雨披将占用最小的空间。One poncho will take up minimal space.

所以这些群体被称为”最简群体“This is why it's called "minimal groups."

创新的压力已经变得极小了。The pressure to innovate has been minimal.

维护最小限度的信息量。Maintain the minimal amount of information.

该多频段微型收发器也有最低的功率要求。The MMT also has minimal power requirements.

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100元作最低放款额够吗?Will 100 yuan sufficient for minimal deposit?

小孩能自行稍微用手支撑坐1分钟。Sits with minimal self hand support for 1 min.

因为我们只有少地可怜的体毛,它们却有厚厚的皮毛。We have only minimal body hair, they have fur.

对现有代码应该只有最小限度的影响。There should be minimal impact on existing code.

范冰冰在淡妆的时候最美丽。FBB is at her most beautiful with minimal makeup.

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分享即支持!PS. Please support Minimal Student by sharing it!

XML标记的简洁性是最不重要的。Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.

以最小的存储增长处理千兆字节的文件Process Gigabyte files with minimal storage growth

咖啡因确实对哮喘有疗效,但只是杯水车薪。Caffeine's benefits for asthma are real but minimal.

活产儿数字需要进行的调整最小。The number of live births needed minimal adjustment.

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默认情况下,WiX安装只有最少的功能。By default, WiX installation gives minimal functions.

厄尔先生为第一跳仅接受了最简单的训练,因为他各方面条件都非常出色。Mr Cooley’s training for that first jump was minimal.

为此外汇卖出风崄降至最小。And for this selling of FX risk was held to a minimal.