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这么多的水是如何维持悬浮状态的?How does all this water stay afloat?

几只玩具船在池潭里漂。Several toy boats are afloat on the pond.

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而泰坦尼克号漂浮了2小时40分钟——因此,人类的行为各不相同。The Titanic stayed afloat for 2 hr. 40 min.

杯子冒出微微的水汽,茶叶静静浮着。Cup of water vapor emitted slightly, tea quietly afloat.

我们拼命往外舀水,使它继续漂浮了几个小时。We kept her afloat for a couple of hours by bailing frantically.

浮力让从橡胶鸭到远洋轮船的一切物体都能浮于水面之上。Buoyancy keeps everything from rubber ducks to ocean liners afloat.

湖北省有一家精神病院,上世纪九十年代开了一家纸箱厂,这才勉强维持其正常运转。One in Hubei Province opened a box factory in the 1990s to stay afloat.

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国有捕鲸公司的存在也仰赖于低息贷款和补贴。Thestate whaling company is kept afloat with cheap loans and subsidies.

从大萧条开始到结束,俄尔甫香肠之家一直垮。The Orpheum Wiener House stayed afloat all through the Great Depression.

逆转老化像是把水抽出去而让它漂浮。Reversing aging is like keeping it afloat by throwing water over the side.

船员们正在排干所有的重桶,以令船能够浮在水面。The sailors were bailing all of the heavy barrels to keep the ship afloat.

目前,她还是世界上最大的仍未沉没的四桅帆船。She is also the largest four-masted sailing ship in the world still afloat.

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因此,纳税人别无选择,只能伸出援手以确保金融系统的正常运作。So the taxpayer had no real choice but to step in to keep the system afloat.

租家保证船舶能安全抵港,永远漂浮不论任何潮汐时间。Charterers guarantee vsl can safely get and always afloat at any time of tide.

由于一直都短缺人手并且资金不足,你的团队拼命努力才能勉强支撑。Chronically understaffed and under-funded, your team struggles to stay afloat.

高质量的铆钉或更厚一些的外壳也许能使船舶在海面上呆得更久些。Higher-quality rivets or a thicker hull might have kept the ship afloat longer.

本地的博物馆,有些在近几年深陷财务危机,如今还清债务重新出发。Local museums, many of which struggled financially in recent years, are back afloat.

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恰恰相反,这两家公司一度向蓄水池中支付利息,以求支撑贷款价格。Instead, the twins sometimes pay the interest into the pool to keep the loans afloat.

一年来,彼得森夫妇全靠透支信用卡才能免于经济危机。For over a year, the Petersons have relied on credit cards to keep afloat financially.

不论如何,这些资金也够就业指导公司运作4个月左右。In any case, the funds will keep the job creation company afloat for some four months.