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我喜欢这件展品的华丽和耀眼。I loved the magnificence of bling this piece exhibits.

不可阻挡的是,大芦村的辉煌大气早已不再。The past glory and magnificence of the village is irrevocably gone.

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卢库勒斯在骄奢淫逸、富丽堂皇中度过了他剩下的时日。Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence.

之前我处在一个我能见到你的富丽堂皇和你的宏伟的位置。I sit in a seat where I can see your magnificence and your grandness.

气魄宏伟的俄国冬宫给我们留下了深刻的印象。We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russia's Winter Palace.

富丽堂皇的东看台也有着备受争议的历史。The East Stand, for all its magnificence also has a controversial past.

在这儿容许我说一下,房间的装潢绝不富丽堂皇。Here let me say that there is no magnificence about this suite of rooms.

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这番答复却让东株感到堂皇不已。The remark reply but let the east strains feel magnificence unceasingly.

而冬宫的大理石装饰光彩夺目,五彩缤纷,价值连城!But the magnificence of sparkling marble adornment, colourful, priceless!

我最后一次不雅观赏这壮不雅观的风景就似乎我是第一次看一样。I watched its whole magnificence for the last time as if it were the first.

房子尽管富丽堂皇,但是住起来一点也不舒服。With all its magnificence , the house is not at all comfortable to live in.

然后,我的注意力马上就被身边那股宏伟壮丽的气所吸引住。But then I was immediately captivated by the magnificence of energy around me.

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大千世界里,你无穷无尽地变幻,华丽多姿的姑娘。Endlessly varied art thou In the exuberant world, Lady of Manifold Magnificence.

于是国王同意了。他们举行了非常隆重的婚礼。Then the king consented and the marriage was celebrated with great magnificence.

于是国王同意了婚姻是非常隆重庆祝。Then the king consented and the marriage was celebrated with great magnificence.

这一建筑在建筑学上的伟岸之处并非只在于它的地基。The architectural magnificence of this structure does not stop at its foundations.

因为再没有哪座宫殿能与它的壮丽齐肩,所以它被命名为“无双”。And so it was named "Nonsuch, " as in no other palace could ever equal its magnificence.

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我最后一次观赏朝辉的美丽,犹如第一次见到。I watched the whole magnificence of the dawn for the last time, as if it were the first.

我永远也不会忘记瑞士山岳的壮美和湖泊的秀丽。I shall never forget the magnificence of the Swiss mountains and the beauty of the lakes.

我们因为小小的伤害别人怀恨在心,却忘记了他们的宽宏大量。We hold grievances against others for supposed petty hurts and forget their magnificence.