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他一口喝干了一杯红葡萄酒。He drained a glass of claret.

去年我们贮存了很多红葡萄酒。We laid down a lot of claret last year.

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宴会还在进行,大家尝着野味,品着更为浓烈的红酒。The party moved on to a dish of game served with a more vigorous claret.

当然,不喝酒的人,自然不该计算他们的红酒费用。Non-drinkers, of course, should be automatically excused the cost of the claret.

所有的电机应喷一层紫红绝缘漆。All the electric machines should be sprayed with a coat of claret insulation paint.

大桶大桶地淡色啤酒和红葡萄酒被流到街上,以庆贺胜利。Hogsheads of ale and claret were set abroach in the streets to celebrate the victory.

那么,这是否意味着我们这些谁豪华涉足世界中的罚款干红?So what does this mean for those of us who fancy a dabble in the world of fine Claret ?

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这些墙壁并没有闪耀着翡翠绿,葡萄红,天空蓝,它们现在只是在叫嚣着一种奢华。Instead of the walls whispering of emerald green, claret and sky blue, they now shout luxury.

由红葡萄和带有柠檬汁的白兰地有时候是由雪利酒或柑桂酒和新鲜水果制成的鸡尾酒。A punch made of claret and brandy with lemon juice and sugar and sometimes sherry or curacao and fresh fruit.

中国人对波尔多干红和雷司令冰酒的喜爱是否会将西方世界的葡萄酒酒窖一扫而空?Could China's taste for a fine Claret or a chilled Riesling be emptying the wine cellars of the western world?

其色泽枣红,形状椭圆,肉烂胶粘,肥而不腻,瘦而不柴,香醇味美,别有风味。Claret its color, shape oval, meat rotten glue, fat but not greasy, thin rather than firewood, mellow taste from others.

提出了为满足市场的更高要求,必须进一步优化红葡萄酒的各种酿造工艺。In order to meet the higher requirements of the market, the steeping techniques must be further optimized in claret production.

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在中国的酒会上,他常常见到,原装的波尔多红酒,在短短的一会儿的时间内,就被人们一饮而尽。Too often at banquets in China he has watched first-growth claret being downed in joyless, glass-draining toasts, well into the small hours.

在法纳姆,他去参观主教堡,又吃了一餐便饭,有焖鳝鱼、小牛肉片、法国豆子和一瓶红酒。At Farnham he stopped to view the Bishop's Castle and to partake of a light dinner of stewed eels, veal cutlets, and French beans, with a bottle of claret.

通过改变电场强度,研究高压脉冲电场时新鲜干红葡萄酒色度的影响。Fresh claret was processed by high-voltage pulsed electric field with changed electric-field intensity, the treatment results suggested that some changes in wine chromaticity.

结果表明,DHG-1015澄清剂对葡萄酒有着良好的下胶效果,是一种干白、干红葡萄酒都可使用的安全、简易、高效的下胶材料。The results indicated that the clarifying effects of DHG-1015 were satisfactory and it was considered as a safe, simple and high efficiency clarifiers for white grape wine and claret.

以“米邦塔”食用仙人掌和“巨峰”葡萄及赤霞珠干红葡萄酒为原料,采用混合发酵和勾兑方式生产复合型保健果露酒。"Milpa Alta" opuntia , "Kyoho"grape fruits and Cabernet sauvignon claret were used as raw material to develop opuntia-grape compound health fruit cordial through mixed fermentation and blending.