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埃克博是一位设计师,也是一位思想家。Garrett Eckbo was a designer, and a thinker also.

“我不知道自己会不会亲见这一理想的实现,”Garrett说。"Whether we will see that, I don't know," Garrett said.

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艾琳和盖瑞特交往得不错--即使远距离也一样。Erin and Garrett are good together--even when they’re apart.

刚毕业的加勒特·赛德,18岁,曾利用多出的时间睡觉。Recent graduate Garrett Sider, 18, used the extra time for sleep.

“作为内核开发者,他想要在内核上找到自己想要的代码,”Garrett说。"As kernel developers, we want this code in the kernel," Garrett said.

加勒特站起并离开,在一个冻结的石像上敲了个响指。Garrett stands and walks off , snapping the finger off a frozen statue as he does.

加勒特教授说他对自己研究的那些坦白罪行的复杂性所震惊。Professor Garrett said he was surprised by the complexity of the confessions he studied.

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加勒特说他已经通过463公关公司为Twitter做了几个月的咨询工作。Garrett says he's been consulting for Twitter for the past few months, via 463 Communications.

加雷特说,澳大利亚可能会看到下一届美国政府在阿富汗问题上要求更多的帮助。Garrett says Australia could see the next U.S. administration asking for additional help in Afghanistan.

杰森·盖特瑞曾被任命为临时教练,他接替韦德·菲利普斯的决定即刻生效。Jason Garrett has been named interim head coach and he will replace Wade Phillips, effective immediately.

美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马在英国伦敦伊斯灵顿·伊丽莎白·安德森女校的演讲Remarks by America’s First Lady, Michelle Obama at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, Islington, U.K.

“猎鹰者“731的“加勒特”TFE一731双引擎轰鸣起来,产生一股强大的动力,推动着飞机向空中飞去。The Hawker 731's twin Garrett TFE-731 engines thundered, powering the plane skyward with gut-wrenching force.

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银行的工作人员记下了嫌疑人的车牌号码,然后联邦调查局通过车牌号追踪到了格兰特。The FBI says bank workers got the license plate number of the suspect's car, and the number was traced to Garrett.

加勒特是加州大学洛杉矶分校政治学毕业生,并在1990年毕业后在加州州长皮特·威尔逊的办公室工作。Garrett is a UCLA grad in Political Science and first worked in the office of California Governor Pete Wilson in 1990.

目前,参考样机采用的增压器是美国盖瑞特公司生产的GT25系列增压器。At the present time, the turbocharger of reference engine uses GT25 series turbocharger which comes from Garrett company.

在加勒特研究的被证明无罪的26个人中——超过半数——是有精神疾病、案发时未满18岁,或者两者同时具备。Of the exonerated defendants in the Garrett study, 26 — more than half — were “mentally disabled,” under 18 at the time or both.

在加勒特研究的被证明无罪的26个人中——超过半数——是有精神疾病、案发时未满18岁,或者两者同时具备。Of the exonerated defendants in the Garrett study, 26 — more than half — were “mentally disabled, ” under 18 at the time or both.

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探员哈利·特罗比塔斯说,43岁的阿兰·格兰特已经于周五,也就是他在盖洛威郊区实行银行抢劫的两天后认罪。Agent Harry Trombitas said 43-year-old Alan Garrett turned himself in Friday, two days after the bank holdup in suburban Galloway.

星期四,当她访问伦敦伊丽莎白.嘉瑞.安德森学校时,一露面就让女孩们几乎疯狂。During her appearance at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School in London on Thursday, she sent girls into a frenzy just by showing up.

不过,加勒特因为在竞选中多次失言,结果把新增设的气候变化事务部长职位输给了马来西亚出生的华裔黄英贤女士。But Garrett lost the new portfolio of climate change minister to Malaysian-born Penny Wong after a series of gaffes during the campaign.