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我赶在恐惧击倒我以前对那个声音下令。I commanded the voice before terror could incapacitate me.

炸弹和手榴弹现在可以对免疫昏迷和瘫痪效果的目标造成伤害。Bomb and Grenades can now inflict damage to targets immune to Stun and Incapacitate effects.

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许多爆能手枪有晕眩设置,可以使目标失去行为能力,但不会对其造成物理伤害。Many blaster pistols have stun settings that incapacitate a target, rather than inflicting physical damage.

本。拉登明白他不可能在传统战争中打败或重创美国。Osama bin Laden understands that he cannot defeat or even incapacitate the United States in a conventional war.

每4轮,他会用他堕落的能量攻击使他觉得威胁最大的任何人丧失能力。Every 4 rounds, he uses his corrupted power ability to incapacitate whatever characters he feels are the greatest threat.

绝对禁止锁定设备上的安全保护装置,让其不能处于正常工作状态。It's highly prohibited to lock the safety protection device on the equipment which will incapacitate its normal function.

凡是在他公司工作过的残疾人如因疾病丧失了劳动能力,仍然可以领取工资。He promised that any one who ever worked there can continue getting his salary after his poor health incapacitate him for work.

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可怜的业务和生产计划的制造系统丧失能力一样坏脾气,一台机器的不可用。Poor business and manufacturing plans will incapacitate the manufacturing system just as surly the unavailability of a machine.

共和党候选人助理米歇尔·巴赫曼说她患有严重的偏头痛,每次发作时都好几日无法正常工作。Aides to Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann say she suffers from severe migraine headaches that can incapacitate her for days at a time.

阿旦在莱库斯的家中将其暗杀,他设法干掉了莱库斯的两个精锐保镖,最终结束这个暗夜精灵的生命。Ardan ended up assassinating Laaikus in his home, managing to incapacitate two of Laaikus' elite guards and ending the Night Elf's life in one fatal blow.

另一种药物,则是造成披衣菌挪用宿主细胞脂质的机制失效,使得这些非法入侵者无法藏匿。Another drug might incapacitate the mechanisms the bacteria use to divert lipids from the host cell to the chlamydial vacuole, halting the trespassers' ability to hide.

重伤重伤指造成职工肢体残缺或听觉、视觉等器官受到严重损伤的伤害。一般指相当于损失多于或等于一百零五个工作天。Serious Injury Refers to major injury results in loss of limbs or other body parts, loss of sight or loss of hearing, which incapacitate the employee from working for more than 105 days.

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在今天的公告中,平壤外交部明确表示,朝鲜继续反对六国会谈,称会谈只是要“解除朝鲜武装令其无所作为”。In today's announcement the foreign ministry in Pyongyang made clear its continued opposition to the six-party nuclear talks, which it said sought only to "disarm and incapacitate" the nation.

虽然天行者自己的能力还远不足以抵挡致命的黑暗尊主,但在欧比-万英灵的帮助下,卢克能暂时击退维德,赢得足够时间逃跑。Though Skywalker himself was nowhere near skilled enough to fend off the deadly Dark Lord, with the help of Obi-Wan's spirit, Luke was able to temporarily incapacitate Vader long enough to escape.

非致命性武器在一个广泛的领域,它以人类为目标的包括了不同种的能量波的装置,以使他们临时无法行动,或控制或影响他们的行为。Non-lethal weapons is a broad category which includes devices for beaming various kinds of energy at human targets in order to temporarily incapacitate them, or to control or affect their behavior.