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是一条来自冥府的黑虫。A black worm from Hades.

哈德斯被流放到冥界。Hades is banished to the underworld.

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他是宙斯和哈迪斯的兄弟。He is the brother of Zeus and Hades.

为何定要送这信到黑暗的冥府?。Must you this letter send to Hades black?

找到了可能是幽冥剑的踪迹,哼!He found the clue to the Hades sword. Humph!

赫斯提亚是宙斯、波塞冬和哈迪斯的姐姐。Hestia is the sister to Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.

骑在马上的,名字叫死,阴府也随着他Its rider's name was Death,and Hades followed with him.

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忘川忘却之河,遗忘之河,是冥府中五条河流之一。The river of forgetfulness, one of the five rivers in Hades.

相传她的琴声能令阴沉的哈迪斯得到开心的笑容。According to legend her piano makes gloomy hades get happy smile.

黑德斯由于受到音乐的感动,于是决定释放尤丽黛丝。Hades was so touched by the music that he decided to let Eurydice go.

那样的话你将容许我把我的爱人从哈迪斯的手中带回来麽。Will that allow me to bring my love back from the grasp of Hades himself!

这样能允许我把掌握在冥王手上的爱情夺回来吗?!Will that allow me to bring my love back from the grasp with Hades himself?!

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无辜、夭折、就这样让我们命归黄泉路?Innocent, the die young, like this lets us assign turns over to road to Hades?

在世上做一个奴隶,一个最卑贱的奴隶,也比在冥界称王要好得多"Better to be a serf, the lowest serf on the earth, than to be a king in Hades."

在这些岛屿上盘踞着一些小规模的地狱军队营地。The islands themselves hold the small military camps set up Hades advancing army.

我思考着,暗沉沉的天色,周围缓慢移动的车流就像地狱中游荡着的幽灵包围着我们。I thought, darkly, that the creeping cars around us were like souls wandering in Hades.

由于他是冥界的掌管者,哈迪斯通常被认为是一个严酷的神。Because of his association with the underworld, Hades is often thought of as a grim figure.

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现在宙斯要行动了,他要和兄弟哈德斯寻求一个妥协的办法。Now Zeus had to act.He had to find a compromise with his brother, Hades.They struck a deal.

成群结队的亡魂拥入冥府,吵吵闹闹,把哈得斯弄得心烦意乱,狼狈不堪。Crowds pour into the nether world of the spirits of the dead, noisy, put up hades upset, mood.

我赐予你那哈迪斯的灵魂,那不死的灵魂,让他们与你并肩作战。I offer you the souls of Hades itself, the souls of the dead, set ready to fight by your side.