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技术犯规。Technical foul.

犯规很有趣。It's fun to foul.

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看啊,那是一个犯规。Look, it was a foul.

他脾气坏透了。He has a foul temper.

人面兽心。Fair face, foul heart.

这是一次明显的犯规。This is an obvious foul.

别把这次机会给搞糟了。Don't foul up this chance.

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你魔鬼的邪恶的信使。Foul pre-currer of the fiend.

她丈夫脾气坏透了。Her husband has a foul temper.

裁判正在吹哨叫犯规。The ref's whistling for a foul.

沼泽中的水很臭。The water in the swamp is foul.

一个技术犯规给科比布莱恩特!A technical foul to Kobe Bryant!

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打拐子在棒球比赛中是犯规动作。Elbowing is a foul in basketball.

阴霾的早晨能变成晴朗的白日。A foul morn may turn to a fair day.

你有多常用粗口?How often do you use foul languages?

带球撞人是进攻犯规。A charging call is on offensive foul.

别对我说脏话。Don't use that foul language with me.

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圣衣并不能使肮脏的灵魂乾净。A holy habit cleanses not a foul soul.

下流的语言让我想起速食食品。Foul language reminds me of fast food.

罪恶的制造者,把本应清鲜的空气浊染。Evil maker, make fresh air become foul.