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中和作用,抵消,中和反应。To counteract or neutralize.

我们需要抗毒素来解被狼蛛咬后产生的毒。We need an antitoxin to counteract the bite of the tarantula.

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杰甫逊这么说的时候,心里想到的是梅森,看他能不能反驳。Here Jephson thought of Mason-let him counteract that if he can.

所以,那些轻微的太阳温度降低或许并不会给温暖的地球带来多少凉意。So the slightly cooler sun won't counteract a much hotter earth.

该方案不仅缩短了码长,而且可以抵抗多种合谋攻击。It shortens code length, and can counteract multi-collusion attacks.

在美国-17号上,中船体充当抵消这个作用力的梁。On USA-17, the middle hull serves as a beam to counteract those forces.

这种药会抑制抗生素引起的反胃。注意,注意力集中。This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics.

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此外,血管祖细胞还能阻碍细胞自杀或凋亡。Besides, they are able to counteract the cellular suicide, or apoptosis"."

然而,如果她们用牛奶抵消咖啡的用量,就没事。However, if they counteract the consumption of coffee with milk, they are fine.

他命令把左弦上所有的大炮移到右舷以抵消船的倾斜。He ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list.

祛玫合剂可以拮抗由DNFB诱发的小鼠变态反应。Pityriasis rosea-eliminating mixture can counteract the allergy induced by DNFB.

一位批评者拥有什么工具可供使用,来对抗佛洛伊德的魔力?What instruments does a critic have at his disposal to counteract Freud's magic?

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你摄入的钠越多,就需要更多的钾来中和。The more sodium you consume, the more potassium you need to counteract this effect.

不和谐的工作气氛,将会抵消智囊团的效率。The inharmonious working atmosphere can counteract the efficiency of the think tank.

怎么抵抗?我怎样才能抵抗我力所不及的事呢?By what? How do you counteract the things that are just beyond my ability to deal with?

为了修正对正确路线的偏离,现在,他要朝右开始他那一摇一晃的行程了。He now bore off to the right to counteract the possible deviation from his true course.

增强体温,使身体强壮并且具有解毒作用。Strengthen body temperature, make body strong and have to counteract poison a function.

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只因为人们觉得食盐里的碘能中和放射性云烟的危害。Why? Because people thought the iodine in the salt could counteract a radioactive haze.

结果表明,喇曼放大可以抵消双光子吸收的影响。It is shown that Raman amplification can counteract the effects of two-photon absorption.

这种果岭通常是为了抵消果岭从后到前巨大的坡度。They are best used to counteract a green site that slopes excessively from back to front.