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神是无条件的爱你。He loves you unconditionally.

她无条件地爱他。She loves him unconditionally.

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婴儿爱你是无条件。Baby loves you unconditionally.

不对,他崇拜你,无条件地。No, he worships you, unconditionally.

日本无条件投降。Japan has surrendered, unconditionally.

神爱世人从来是毫无保留的。God loves us, totally and unconditionally.

他是无条件的给于爱和忠告。He gave his love and counsel unconditionally.

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不论情况如何,医生是不能见死不救的。A doctor's duty is to unconditionally save lives.

你们必须马上无条件释放他们。They should be released immediately and unconditionally.

动物们都活在当下,并且无条件的表现出对生活的爱。Animals live in the present moment and they show love unconditionally.

日方应立即无条件放回中方船长。Japan should immediately let the Chinese captain return unconditionally.

第三,我毫无条件地,也无可救药地爱上了他。And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. ----from.

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因为他,我才知道体贴和无条件的爱意味着什么。Thanks to him I know what it means to be sensitive and love unconditionally.

我们是你的职员,但这并不意味着我们必须无条件地听从你。We are your employees, but this doesn’t mean that we must obey you unconditionally.

所有船员必须无条件地服从船长做出的上述决定。All the crew must submit to the shipmaster's aforementioned decisions unconditionally.

在标准模型下证明其能抵抗签名伪造攻击,且具有无条件匿名性。It is proved to be unforgeable in the standard model, and is unconditionally anonymous.

你们中谁若缺乏智慧,就该向那慷慨施恩于众人,而从不责斥的天主祈求,天主必赐给他。If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God who gives to all easily and unconditionally.

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真正的感情是两人能在最难苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。True lovers can past through hard times together, unconditionally without asking for repay.

我知道,不只我自己在无条件地爱别人和爱自己之间举棋不定。I know I'm not alone in the struggle between loving others unconditionally and loving myself.

大多数人追求有条件的幸福,而幸福只有当你不附加条件时才能被感觉到。Most people pursue happiness with conditions while happiness can only be felt unconditionally.