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想想临界速度和大致的连通性。Think about Edge speeds and sketchy connectivity.

你说听起来什么?你不信小陈说的话?What?don't believe her. That story sounds sketchy.

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你说听起来什么?你不信小陈说的话?What? I don't believe IT. That story rights sketchy.

你说听起来什么呀?你不信小陈说的话?What? I don't believe her. That story sounds sketchy.

早期报道的台湾农村地区的灾情只是粗略的。Initial reports from the Taiwanese village, Hsiao-lin, were sketchy.

我们从几方面粗略的说法中设法弄清了真相。We managed to piece together the truth from several sketchy accounts.

个人能力拓展和自我激励,对于普通人而言,听起来太笼统。Personal development and self-help, to the average person, sounds sketchy.

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很明显,如果酒吧里一个轻浮的家伙管你要电话号码,你要说不。Obviously, if a sketchy dude in a bar asks for your phone number, you say no.

上述粗略的历史回顾,对今天的头号强国有何启示呢?What does this sketchy historical record suggest for today's number one power?

要找住的地方,我一般会用克雷格列表网站,虽然它的信息不太完整。To find an actual place, I usually use Craigslist although it's kind of sketchy.

警方表示他们目前以盗窃罪立案,但对记者只提供了粗略的介绍。Police said they were treating the case as theft but offered only sketchy details.

复杂草图识别是手绘草图输入中的一个困难任务。Composite sketchy graphics recognition is a difficult task in sketch-based graphics input.

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我有点怀疑,因为你知道,总是能听说交通多么不完善,I was kind of skeptical because, you know, you just hear about how bad it is and how sketchy but,

在此不能详细讨论目前还很粗糙的固体和液体的发光理论。The still sketchy theory of luminescence in solids and liquids cannot be discussed here in detail.

同样的情况也发生在史前鲨鱼上,因此科学家们只有一些非常模糊的证据进行研究。The same happened to prehistoric sharks, so scientists are left with very sketchy evidence to go on.

“非常简单——并不需要勉强或者是通过什么不好的渠道,”他说,“可能仅仅需要一条短信或者一个电话。"It's easy -- not sketchy or perceived in a bad way, " he says. "Maybe a simple text or a phone call.

沙发整体设计圆润自然,干净利落的简约美感收放自如。The sofa was designed with natural mellowness, its sketchy beauty being nimbly and smartly brought out.

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如果你的男朋友很介意你查看他的手机,那他多半是对你隐瞒了某些上不了台面的事。If your partner has issues about letting you see his phone then chances are he's hiding something sketchy.

概略的教育学研究并没有提供一个明确的指导方案,这是各式各样“良好学习习惯“的理论产生的部分原因。Such theories have developed in part because of sketchy education research that doesn’t offer clear guidance.

意志坚定的人会画出之字形图案或者三角形图案,而那些犹豫的人下笔会相对较轻。Determined people will use corners, zigzags and triangles, while more hesitant types use light, sketchy strokes.