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隐居大熊猫的镜头很罕见。Shots of the reclusive giant panda are rare.

元明之际存在着大量不乐仕进的隐士群体。Reclusive groups flourished during the early Ming period.

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她是美国文学史上著名的隐士。She was one of American literature's most reclusive figures.

有的人把选择隐居的生活方式当作一个政治宣言。OTHERS choose a reclusive lifestyle as a political statement.

隐逸思想是元散曲的重要主题之一。Reclusive idea was one of important themes in lyric verses of Yuan Dynasty.

隐遁的企业大亨在于尼日利亚前军事领导合作后得到巨大转机。Reclusive tycoon got big break hobnobbing with former Nigerian military leaders.

他现在已经70岁了,被尊崇为一位慈祥的僧人,而且有时遁隐。He snow 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly shaman, and is somewhat reclusive.

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中国正面临着更大的压力来谴责这个隐遁的国度,其临时盟友。China was facing increased pressure to rebuke the reclusive state, its longtime ally.

嘉宝,二十世纪最著名的人物之一,如仙女般的神秘,超凡脱俗。Garbo—divine, mysterious, reclusive. One of the most famous faces of the 20th century.

他现在70岁了,可以作为爷爷级的人物,还有点隐士的脾性。Len. He's now 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly man, and is somewhat reclusive.

稍微有点情绪低落时,我们都倾向于把自己藏起来,做个隐士。There is a tendency for us to hide and become reclusive when we’re feeling a little low.

甚至一向较为隐遁的朝鲜队的大名单上也有3人不在国内踢球。Even reclusive North Korea has on its roster three players who do not play in the country.

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这个人拒绝参加为了已经隐退并卧床不起的金正日而精心准备的生日庆典。The man turned his back on elaborate birthday celebrations for the reclusive and ailing Kim.

韦布参议员成为第一个见到很少露面的丹瑞将军的美国资深官员。Senator Webb became the first senior U.S. official to meet with the reclusive General Than Shwe.

一日,玛法里奥听闻到几个关于一个隐居中的森林半神的传说。One day Malfurion came across several legends that referenced a reclusive demigod of the forests.

隐遁的国家之一,是朝鲜的几次参加的第一次世界博览会。Reclusive North Korea is one of several nations participating in a World Expo for the first time.

位在亚维农,这间与世无争的修道院被评为拥有最佳歌手的葛利果圣诗歌咏班。Based near Avignon, the reclusive order was judged to have the finest singers of Gregorian chants.

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作为隐逸活动的主体,隐士是中国古代一个独特的社会群体。As the principal part of reclusive activities, recluses were a unique social colony in ancient China.

他们高举“自由”与“新人类”大旗,却终日大门不出、二门不迈、深居简出。They hold high the " freedom" and" human " banner, however all day door out, two door step, reclusive.

但美国官员也承认,中国对其封闭邻国朝鲜的影响也是有限的。U.S. officials acknowledge, though, that China's influence over its reclusive neighbor has its limits.