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破灭却从不把幻想放过。But evanescence has never let go of fantasy.

知识是短暂的,必须经过不断的修改和更新。Because of the evanescence of knowledge, it needs constantly modification and regenerate.

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艾米李伊凡塞斯在摇滚音乐节在里约热内卢里约热内卢10月2日,2011年执行。Amy Lee of Evanescence performs at the Rock in Rio Music Festival in Rio de Janeiro October 2, 2011.

也就是说,每一种文学支配地位的消失,形成了文学史。In other words, once you start thinking about the evanescence of dominance, you're also thinking about literary history.

他们在作品中抓住了电子图像消亡、变化、虚拟、变形和最多的神经机能的本质。They extrapolate from the electronic image its evanescence , its dynamism, its virtual, metamorphic and above all its neurotic nature.

正因为这一稍纵即逝的特点,人们往往将注意力集中在译员翻译的结果上,而忽略了决定翻译结果的过程。Due to the its evanescence , people often pay attention to what the interpreter expresses other than how the interpreter makes his decision.

文明遗迹诉说着多元文化昔日的辉煌、千年的沧桑,带来震撼,使人陶醉,令人向往。Relics of these civilizations stand today telling of past glory and evanescence of the diversified cultures, shocking, intoxicating and appealing.

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就是这种很小的宫观建筑,也要力求与周边环境协调,并在院内进行绿化,造成赏心悦目的视觉效果。Such small-sized temple communities require fabulous harmony with surrounding condition and evanescence in the yard so as to exert fabulous effect.

戏剧表演若能登峰造极,达到颠峰,实为了不起的艺术,是值得好好一做的事情,虽说它的价值和所有其他表演艺术一样,会因其瞬息性而减弱。Acting, at its best, can be a great art, a thing worth doing supremely well, though its worth, like that of all interpretative arts, is lessened by its evanescence.

特别是具有深厚底蕴的历史文化名城,大都面临着现代化的改造与更新,传统文化与城市原有特色逐渐消失。Most of Historic Cities have been confronted with evanescence of traditional culture and city intrinsic characteristic, as well as with modernization rebuilding and renewal.

天鹅展翅飞翔,从一平如镜的湖面上轻轻滑过,美丽的外表透出轻松自如的优雅,犹如一场转瞬即逝的梦,引起古往今来多少永恒不变的向往。To the ancients, the appearance of a swan, with its effortless glide on the mirror of a lake and lovely, unfurling flight, signaled evanescence and evoked immortal longings.

这正在开放的樱花树,是一种特别尊贵的开花植物在日本,在那里开花期短但是美丽的盛开时间是象征人类的生命的容易消失。The flowering cherry tree, or sakura, is one of the most exalted flowering plants in Japan, where the blossoms' short but beautiful blooming time is a symbol for the evanescence of human life.