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社会是个大舞台。Social is a rather large arena.

体育竞赛场平衡是个大课题。Arena balance is a really big topic.

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国王队目前在阿科球馆打球。The Kings currently play at Arco Arena.

安联球场就象一个压力锅。Allianz Arena will be a pressure cooker.

网络营销是一个非常广阔舞台。Internet marketing is a very vast arena.

新增决斗场技能指导。A skill guide has been added to the Arena.

它已经在这个舞台上实现了很多成绩。It has already achieved much in this arena.

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实际上,谷歌是该领域的后觉者。In fact, Google is a late comer in this arena.

我们必须了解国际舞台。You have to understand the international arena.

竞技场奖励是务须多说的。Arena Points rewards oughta be self-explanatory.

别沉迷在竞技场和积分系统。Do not sucked into arena and the rating systems.

在溜冰场你能够租到溜冰鞋。You can rent roller skates at the skating arena.

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在古罗马的角斗场上,角斗士与狮子搏斗。Gladiators fought with lions in the arena in Rome.

这个比赛场地急待修缮。The competition arena is badly in need of repairs.

在舞台上被打破。我已进入多星期前。The arena is glitched. I had entered many weeks ago.

演奏厅、表演场地还是国立体育馆?The concert hall, the arena or the national stadium?

我们已经说过吕底亚在黄金舞台。We've already talked about Lydian in the gold arena.

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决斗场专用角色可转换为普通角色。Arena characters can be changed to Normal characters.

我们现在在苏黎世,这个演出场地真是酷毙了!神圣的烟雾!We're in Zurich, and this arena is phat! Holy smokes!

在国王设立的公共竞技场审判这位年轻人的日期已经确定。A day was set for his trial in the king's public arena.