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连接超时,请重新发送闪屏!It's timeout , please click the nudge again!

为连接和读取指定超时时间的能力。Ability to specify timeout for connect and read.

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测试可以用一个超时参数来注释。Tests can be annotated with a timeout parameter.

完善臂归位程序在达到超时。Perfector arm A reached timeout during homing procedure.

扫描繁忙线程的时间间隔。The scan interval for busy timeout fastcgi applications.

从出故障的固定的自动注册跟随帐户懒惰暂停。Fixed auto-login from failing following an account idle timeout.

但这会影响所用的超时值。However, this has an impact on the timeout values that are used.

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如果是无限等待,那么运行时把它设置为最大超时值。If it is, then the runtime sets it to the maximum timeout value.

到仁顺发表意见的时分,由于超时节目被中缀。To RenShun comments from the sky, because timeout program infix.

如果您不做任何操作,会在配置超时后启动这个选项。If you do nothing, this will be booted after a configured timeout.

在经过一段预先确定的时间之后,向超时时间添加一个计时器。After trying for a predetermined time, a timer is added to timeout.

没有为讯息到达伫列指定逾时。There is no timeout specified for a message to arrive in the queue.

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不过,等待一段时间还没有响应的话,就不用理它了。You can, however, timeout after waiting a reasonable amount of time.

应该会得到因为服务器不再运行而连接超时的消息。You should get a connection timeout because the server is no longer running.

改变系统锁定的延迟时间似乎是很简单而且很有用的功能。Changing the timeout for system lock seems like easy, and useful functionality.

比如,是在日志将满时,还是在超时后?For example, is the journal committed when it nears full, or through a timeout?

超时让您可以确保此值总是可以重新读取自您的数据中心。The timeout allows you to ensure that the value is always reread from your data source.

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栈对超时的响应是把拥塞窗口重设回空状态。The stack reacts to the timeout by resetting the congestion window back to an empty state.

你可以延长超时的吐司面包的继续,和更新的内容。You could extend the timeout as the toast continues, and update the contents of the toast.

其中的关键是能够改变超时概率和超时值。The key here is the ability to vary both the probability of a timeout and the timeout value.