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和乳晕之间的压力。And the pressure between the areola.

她注意到我的乳晕颜色深了,而且厚了。She noted that my areola darkened and thickened.

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小区后面的黄土非常稀松,下一点小雨就会滑坡。The loess of areola back is very loose, rain 1 points light rain and then will slip an ascent.

对不同住宅小区的电负荷进行分析,并对供配电系统做了阐述。The power use load in Datong residence areola is carried out analysis. And the power distribution system is also clarified.

在亲吻敏感部位之前,用你的嘴亲吻她的汝房,用你的舌头舔舐她的汝晕。Use your mouth all over her breasts and circle the areola with your tongue before kissing and licking the sensitive centre.

抓痕周围常有炎性红斑,其上覆有淡黄血清痂或红色血痂。Frequently there is an inflammatory areola around the excoriation or a covering of yellowish dried serum or red dried blood over it.

乳晕及唇部等粘膜部位专用,起效快,作用强,快速着色,留色稳定,中途禁用!Areola and lips, such as special effect-acting mucosal parts faster, strong, fast shading, role leave color stability, midway disable!

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肿块质硬、边界不清、多位于乳晕区,常伴有刺痛和反复发作史为其特点,据此可与乳腺癌相鉴别。From painful mass beneath the areola with unclear edge and recurrent attack are the characteristics of the disease, which can distinguish from breast cancer.

风团为暂时性、水肿性、隆起性皮损,似平台状,大小不一,呈卵圆形或表面呈弧形,粉红色至红色,周围有红晕。Wheals are evanescent, edematous, plateaulike elevations of various sizes. They are usually oval or of arcuate contours, pink to red, and surrounded by a pink areola.

以小区停车场智能管理系统为例,论述了计算机技术在智能小区管理中的应用。As the intelligentification system of parking lot of the areola example, the application of the computer technique in the management of intelligentification areola was discussed.

乳晕及唇部等粘膜部位专用,起效快,作用强,快速着色,留色稳定,中途禁用!特别适用于痛神经敏感者。Areola and lips, such as special effect-acting mucosal parts faster, strong, fast shading, role leave color stability, midway disable! Especially suitable for pain neural sensitive person.