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信号切换和变换板由JZX-18F继电器和WB系列电量传感器组成。Signal switch circuit board is composed of JZX-18F relay and WB series sensors.

只有这款蝙蝠侠的艺术家自存版是正式在华纳专卖店发售的。To date, only the original Batman Maquette artist-proof were released through WB Stores.

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把相机白平衡设在钨丝灯,如果你愿意,还可以在后期微调白平衡。Set your camera’s WB to tungsten, if you like, and fine tune the WB in post as necessary.

WB智能电量变送器分为单相和三相两类。WB intelligent electrical transmitter is divided into single-phase and three-phase two classes.

世界银行是世界上领先的发展组织,致力于经济增长和减缓贫困的工作。The WB is the world's leading development organisation, working for growth and poverty reduction.

因为我们将这些物理地址范围标记为回写缓存,这些写操作将被缓存。Those accesses will now be cached, because we have marked this range of physical addresses as WB cacheable.

但我都是流于疏懒,因为我一般都不会先作测定,而是利用既有的色温。However, to minimize my work, I usually use the preset wb setting rather than making more precise measurement.

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只单单关注费莉希蒂和她的朋友的故事切合华纳公司喜欢俊男美女的模式。In focusing solely on Felicity and her friends Felicity fits into the WB group-of-young-beautiful-people mold.

现代的焊接设备以其高效、自动化、程控化逐步取代手工操作。It wb gradually give way to modern welding equipment, characterized by high efficiency, automation, and programmed control.

再次提示,如果你在后期调整白平衡,说明你想得到最佳的照片效果,但这要求照片的光线色温一致。Again, you’ll likely get the best results if you adjust WB during post processing, but this way the images will have a more consistent color throughout.

世行报道称,官僚主义,立法和法律系统不健全是中小型公司应当克服的主要障碍。The WB report says that bureaucracy, inadequate legislation and the legal system as being the main obstacles to be overcome by small and medium-sized companies.

如果相机没有阴天白平衡设置,大多数情况下可以使用闪光设置,因为明亮的阴天色温与闪光灯色温接近。If your camera doesn't have a cloudy WB preset, in most cases you can use the flash preset since bright overcast days have a color temperature close to that of a flash.

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结果表明,粒肥对糙米率、精米率、整精米率、心白率和腹白率的影响较大,并且对中、晚熟品种的影响大于早熟品种。The results showed that the effects of granular fertilizer on BR, MR, HR, WC and WB were big, and the parameters of the middle and late types were bigger than those of the early.

本文对WB系列电除尘器用于水泥工业收尘所存在的问题进行了分析,并提出技术改造的几项建议。This paper analyses the problems in the applications of WB type electrostatic precipitators in cement industry, and then presents some recommendations to its technical modifications.