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我认为我们能完成美高协需要的一切东西。I think we were able to accomplish everything that the USGA wanted.

该样品归美国高尔夫球协会所有并用于参考目的。The sample becomes the property of the USGA for reference purposes.

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球员对球杆是否合规心存疑虑时,应当咨询美国高尔夫球协会。A player in doubt as to the conformity of a club should consult the USGA.

USGA让我别无选择,我只有站起来跟他们对抗。The USGA gave me no option but to stand up and fight them, and fight them I did.

费伊曾在17个不同的美国高尔夫协会担任总裁,12个在他担任执行董事的任期。Fay served under 17 different USGA presidents, 12 during his tenure as executive director.

我们和USGA联系上了,在和他们的律师对上话之后,我们对他们的回答感到无比惊讶。When we contacted the USGA and talked to their General Counsel we were surprised at the response.

采R&A、USGA及组委会所制定的当地规则施行,如有附加条款,组委会将于正式开赛前公布。Adopt R&A, USGA and local rules as formulated by the Tournament Committee, who will announce additional terms, if any , before the tee-off.

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美国高协果岭部的一位代表曾经问一个设计师,你怎么知道何时该抬高果岭。Even if he could, it would not mean that anyone else could do it. A USGA Green Section Representative once asked an architect how he knew when to elevate a green.

“戴维对比赛的激情,只有他对人民的热情和对美国高尔夫协会的使命感可以匹配,”美国高尔夫协会主席吉姆海勒说。"David's passion for the game can be matched only by his passion for the people and the mission of the United States Golf Association, " said Jim Hyler, president of the USGA.

在国外,高尔夫业余球员不管是平时打球还是参加业余比赛都会使用USGA差点系统,而且大多数的球场也使用USGA差点系统,球员必须出示差点卡才会被允许下场打球。Generally, Amateur golfers use USGA handicap system both in competition and non-competition, and golfers are allowed playing only when they show their handicap cards in most of golf courses overseas.