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这种类型孔的设计导致…This type of orifice design results in.

有一个不锈钢锋利的孔。Have a stainless steel sharp-edged orifice.

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只有一个洞有罪,对吗?It's only one orifice that's sinful, right?

而自然腔道手术所造成的创面也更小。Even less invasive is "natural orifice" surgery.

冲洗并放净管道系统,然后安装孔板。Flush and drain system and install orifice plates.

尿道口疼痛且有分泌物!Urethral orifice pain have the secreta at present!

同心圆孔板是最经常使用的形式。The concentric orifice is most frequently used type.

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根据设置压力和节流孔通径来确定阀门的流容。Set pressure and orifice size determine valve capacity.

一连串滔滔不绝的话都是同一张嘴巴讲出来的。An endless flow of words streamed from the same orifice.

上式中P是从小孔喷出的流体密度。The density P is that of the fluid escaping from the orifice.

利用定油孔起落架的落震试验对该模型进行了校验。The model is verified by the drop tests of fixed orifice landing gear.

痛苦的嚎叫声从本该是它脸部的位置上那深陷的黑色孔穴中传出来。Howls of pain issue from a gaping black orifice where its face should be.

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目的探讨输尿管异位开口的诊断和治疗。Objective To discuss diagnosis and treatment of ectopic ureteral orifice.

通过一个倒置桶疏水阀的独立阀孔排出凝结水。The condensate discharges through a separate orifice by the inverted bucket.

两相流流过孔板产生相分离。Phase separation takes place when a two-phase flow passes through an orifice.

文中介绍了集箱节流孔J型坡口高效加工方法。This paper introduces effcient means of boring the J groove of orifice in header.

在空气静压导轨中,节流孔形状和孔径大小是主要振源之一。The orifice shape and aperture size is one vibration source on aerostatic bearing.

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经历了一次严重的心脏病发作之后,他被绑在床上,全身都插着导管。After a massive heart attack, he was strapped to a bed, with tubes in every orifice.

沙子到处都是,充满你脸上的每一个毛孔。The sand is blinding and fills every orifice of your face to be spat out afterwards.

用孔板或涡流传送器对带清洗液管道的流量进行测量。Consider orifice plates or Vortex transmitters for flow use on lines with clean fluids.