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魔型女最近被捕了-这毛球是谁?。Mystique was recently apprehended. -Who is the fur ball?

这样一来他还有她都保有了一定的神秘性。In that way he maintains a certain mystique.And she, too.

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这样一来他还有她都保有了一定的神秘性。In that way he maintains a certain mystique. And she, too.

她曾在延安的窑洞里住过,并真正领悟了延安的奥秘所在。She lived in a Yan'an cave and caught the Yan'an Mystique.

因此,她过起隐居生活,结束了演艺生涯,但这反而增加了她的神秘。She became a recluse, ending her career but adding to her mystique.

但是对冲基金经理身上神秘的光环也维持不了太久了。But the mystique enjoyed by hedge-fund managers may not last for ever.

巴菲特的秘诀在科技股风靡之前一直奏效。Buffett's mystique remained intact until technology stocks became popular.

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人们这样一个神秘和声誉并不像通常朱莉娅安安。People with such a mystique and reputation aren't typically like Julia Ann.

黑发的比尔散发出一种绅士风范,艾瑞克则给人一种坏男孩的神秘感。While dark-haired Bill exudes genteel values, Eric thrills with bad-boy mystique.

最后,这座综合博物馆的位置增添了罗浮宫的神秘气息。Finally, the site of the museum complex contributes to the mystique of the Louvre.

尽管存在创名牌的秘诀,但巨额资金回报本身才是众人瞩目的有形商标。Despite the brand-making mystique the tangible trademark is strong financial returns.

和结果后来被水银的神秘感,后来就成了汞美洲狮。And the result came to be the Mercury Mystique and later on became the Mercury Cougar.

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他成长于曼哈顿的工人阶级,总是被预科神秘性所吸引。He grew up working-class in Manhattan and was always drawn to the prep school mystique.

牦牛具有神秘性的产地和营养价值使它充满魅力。Its appeal depends as much on the mystique of its origins as its nutritional qualities.

但是围绕这位恐怖主义首领一生的谜团却并未解开。But the mystique that surrounded the terrorist chieftain in life is persisting in death.

在装神弄鬼和有组织犯罪的表象之下是一门生意,一门困难重重的生意。Well, strip away the mystique and organised crime is a business – one with big handicaps.

他的传奇色彩还在于他是一个兰博式的人物——他会把偷猎者吓得魂飞魄散。Part of his mystique was that he was Rambo-ish—he would scare the hell out of the poachers.

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将有关吸血鬼的哥德式的神秘带进现代旧金山的夜晚的小说。The novel that took the gothic mystique of the vampire into the nights of modern San Francisco.

夏克的歌给安克雷奇抹上一层浪漫的色调,但事实上这个简朴的城市毫无神秘可言。Shocked's song has a romantic tinge to it, but actually there is no mystique to this modest town.

这种类型的首席执行官可谓是凤毛麟角,然而这种特质也正是史蒂夫•乔布斯的神奇和奥秘之处。And that type of person is so rare as a CEO. Which is part of the mystique and magic of Steve Jobs.