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他的犹豫暴露了他的根本不情愿。His hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition.

约翰刚小病初愈。John has just recovered from his indisposition.

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简练的节奏在说没有迟到,没有早退。The brief rhythm says no late, no indisposition.

今天她有点不舒服,早早地就睡了。She had a little indisposition today, sleeping early and early.

自己有点小毛病希望大家帮帮!!!Oneself have bit of indisposition to hope everybody is helped! ! !

病痛的折磨经常让息者对治疗失去信心。The indisposition suffers lets the rest to treat frequently loses the confidence.

“我肚子有点不舒服。”萧正风皱紧了脸。"My abdomen has a tiny indisposition. "Xiao the positive breeze is wrinkly firm face.

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从最无害的小病到最严重疾病。The palette reaches from the most harmless indisposition up to the most serious diseases.

因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦。Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.

因为年夜夫可以让那些身受病痛熬煎的人解脱疾苦。可以让人变得健康。Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.

虽然这不会造成大麻烦,但每次碰到爱车都玩一次小电击,可真不舒服。Although this can't result in big troublesome, run into love car to all play a small electric shock each time, can be true indisposition.

如果最近的照片是真实的,那么,他有了显著的恢复,或者说报道大大夸大了他的病痛。If the recent photographs are genuine, then he has made a remarkable recovery— or reports of his indisposition have been greatly exaggerated.

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接收方应为交流人员万一突然生病不适或意外事故提供必要的医护和药品。The receiving side ensures the necessary medical care and medicines for the exchange programme participants in case of sudden indisposition or accidents.

她的事儿里阴差阳错的地方太多,现在基本算过了,没什么不舒服的,这人到底要说什么。Her Yin in the business son is wrong sun the erroneous location is also many, basic once enumerated immediately, nothing momentous indisposition of, this human accurate wants to say what.