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这个工厂的工人未加入工会。The workers in the plant were unorganized.

无组织的地区缺乏正规的政府。Unorganized territories lack a formal government.

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我按艺术家和流派把我那散乱的CD收藏彻底整理一下。I shaked out my unorganized CD collection by artist and genre.

目前在这个领域大量的知识都是离散的和无条理的。The current body of knowledge in this area is scattered and unorganized.

当创建一个视频游戏,数额的编码可以成为广泛,无组织的。When creating a video game, the amount of coding can become extensive, and unorganized.

使用此页作为起始页,可组织您的便笺和随时查看未组织的想法。Use this page as a Start Page for organizing your notes and keeping unorganized ideas around.

日本敢于欺负我们,主要的原因在于中国民众的无组织状态。It is mainly because of the unorganized state of the Chinese masses that Japan dares to bully us.

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禁止无规划、无计划、无组织地盲目开发整理土地。Prohibition without planning, unplanned, unorganized blindly development and consolidation of land.

她最近被任命为国家咨询理事会和国家非组织部门委员会的委员。She was recently appointed to the National Advisory Council and the National Commission for the Unorganized Sector

彩色编码为您节省了很多时间,因为你不须要浪费你的时间寻找,透过散乱的材料。Color coding saves you a lot of time, since you don't have to waste your time looking through unorganized material.

然而,虽然政府的许多信息存在于公共领域,但其中有许多是分散和杂乱无章的,难以查询。But although much government information exists in the public domain, much of it is dispersed, unorganized and inaccessible.

工人阶级只起到了辅助作用而且仅仅是在游击队的战斗胜利后才无组织地参加了斗争。The working class played an auxiliary role and only moved into struggle in an unorganized way, once the guerrilla war was won.

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未经战斗,部队即分散成小部队,开始毫无组织地向不同方向撤退。Not accepting combat, the group split into small groups and in unorganized small groups began to withdraw in various directions.

提出了一种直接利用三维散乱测量数据点的三轴数控粗加工刀位轨迹生成算法。This paper mentioned an algorithm of three axes NC cutter path that can be directly generated from unorganized massive data points.

“最大的挑战是把这个无控制和无组织的系统放到提供全民普及的单一框架内”,Duggal说。“The biggest challenge is getting this unregulated and unorganized system under a single umbrella for providing universal access,” says Duggal.

我家的狗狗从碗里喝水时,毫无疑问,最后总是将水洒在地板上,看起来不能好好喝水,喝得很邋遢无条理。When my dog drinks from her bowl, there is no question, water will end up on the floor. It looks like a sloppy, unorganized way to get a good drink of water.

南吉尔说,这些担心太过夸大其词了,因为消费和需求的增速很快,无论是组织化还是非组织化零售企业都很难跟上这种速度。Nangia said those fears are overblown because 'consumption and demand are growing at a much faster pace than either organized or unorganized can keep pace with.

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我通过“方法”找到了比历代图书馆员不着边际的游荡所找到的更多的书,证明了自己的时间投资的合理性。I justified my investment of time by reminding myself that I found more with the Method than generations of librarians had uncovered by their unorganized rambles.

作为对自己时间投资合理性的明证,我通过“方法”找到了比历代图书馆员不着边际的游荡所找到的更多的书。I justified my investment of time by reminding myself that I found more with the Method than generations of librarians had uncovered by their unorganized rambles.

针对医案文献数量巨大,收录散杂的问题,提出了对历代医案进行整理,建立数据库的方法。Consider the problem of ancient cases are huge in quantity and unorganized in compilation, construction of ancient cases database is raised to solve these problems.