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如果粒子可区分的话。If you have distinguishable particles.

对可区分的粒子必须这样做。This is true for distinguishable particles.

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这是一个可区别的态,在固体里。Those are distinguishable states, in the solid.

我们计算的时候只考虑可以区分的状态。And it's only distinguishable states that count.

树一帜的引导,永不熄灭的风格!A distinguishable boot that never goes out of style!

汤姆和他的孪生哥哥几乎令人分辨不出。Tom is hardly distinguishable from his twin brother.

结果所产生的DNA指纹图的图带数均在17-22条。Result there are 17-22 distinguishable bands on every DNA fingerprinting map.

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你只能让系统通过指纹识别,这样两者的区别显而易见。You'd move the system to fingerprinting, where the two are easily distinguishable.

完整无缺的人类的指骨和龟类的指骨相比很容易区分。Human and turtle phalanges are easily distinguishable when they are whole and complete.

对旅游者来说,这也是不同目的地之间明确的区别之一。They’re one of the most tangible ways that one destination is distinguishable from another.

结果关黄柏及川黄柏薄层色谱指纹图谱存在明显差异。Result Two distinguishable TLC fingerprint chromatograms of Phellodendron chinensis Schneid.

在埃尔达精灵中,繁衍后代的愿望与其生育能力是没有什么区别的。For with regard to generation the power and the will are not among the Eldar distinguishable.

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在中国南省,其他的种族组从汉族很难辨别出来。In China's southern provinces, other racial groups are scarcely distinguishable from the Han.

她是侍女中最好辨认的一个,因为只有她是一头金发。She is the most distinguishable of the handmaidens as she is the only one to have blonde hair.

判别分析是判别样品所属类型的一种统计方法。Distinguishable analysis is a statistic method to distinguish which kind the sample belongs to.

本种可藉由腹瓣具明显的双齿与台湾其他同属物种区别之。It is easily distinguishable from other congeners on the island by having distinctly bidentate leaf-lobule.

专家们从略微可见的字母和数字代表了达芬奇密码的某些真实性。Experts say the barely distinguishable letters and numbers represent something of a real-life Da Vinci code.

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良好的数学认知结构具有可利用性、可辨别性和稳定性的特征。A good cognitive structure of mathematics is characterized by usability , being distinguishable and stability.

早期磁振造影影像的特徵并无法与足菌肿作鑑别诊断。Early magnetic resonance imaging features were nonspecific for neoplasm and not distinguishable from mycetoma.

对区分所有建筑物共有权的法律性质,应以权利的内容为依据来认定。The legal nature of the co-ownership part of distinguishable ownership should be judged by the detailed rights.