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饭堂。A dining room.

我经营一个餐车。I run a dining car.

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有没有餐车?Is there a dining car?

让你的餐厅用桌面目一新吧!Reclaim Your Dining Room Table!

在这儿用餐还是带走。Are you dining here or out-to-go?

但与野狗共进晚餐还是值得的。But dining with dogs was worth it.

不用了,您看桌儿上。No need. Look at the dining table.

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这火车上有餐车吗?Is there a dining car on the train?

在这里吃饭可以不拘礼节。There was no ceremony about dining.

小樱桃就餐十分十分慢。Very very slow small cherry dining.

免费餐桌和4把椅子。FREE dining room set incl. 4 chairs.

我在餐厅吃早饭。I have breakfast in the dining -room.

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酒店提供免费的无线网络连接。It offers fine dining and free Wi-Fi.

戏剧山顶,海边就餐。Dramatic hilltop and oceanside dining.

下馆子的时候你总要点水喝。You always have water when dining out.

你们的餐桌椅有存货吗?Do you have any dining chairs in stock?

餐厅采用玻璃砖墙。The dining room has a glass-brick wall.

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在餐桌上盖上一块台布。Throw a tablecloth over the dining table.

现在谬里尔的家庭在餐厅就餐。Now Muriel's family is in the dining room.

我需要预订餐车吗?Do I need a reservation for the dining car?