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这是预算中一个坏的代表。This is where budgets get a bad rep.

为什么你决定成为一个投连的销售代表呢?Why did you decide to become a LINK rep?

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我拍记录片不过是为了赚点名声。I'm only doing this docu bullshit to earn a rep.

向顾客的销售代表发送一个通知。Send a notification to the customer's sales rep.

中国移动的入选代表了新中国的形象。China Mobile stands out as a rep of the new China.

不过,众议员鲍彻说,他对退出倾向。However, Rep. Boucher says he's leaning toward opt-out.

注意,销售代表不需要编程。Notice that no programming is required of the sales rep.

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比恩议事是纳斯头领的冈根高级会议的一员。Rep Been is a member of Boss Nass's Gungan High Council.

"在我看来他们名声并不好",Wareham说道。""They have a bit of a bad rep in my view," Wareham said.

有5个病灶出现出血及含铁血黄素沉着。Hemorrhage and hemosiderosis occurred in 5 lesions of REP.

然而,委员会主席Rep.But Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., committee chairman, said, "Dr.

来自宾夕法尼亚州的众议员杰克·穆萨算是其中之最。One of the biggest — and most unabashed — pork procurers is Rep.

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他用强有力的诺曼政府代替了软弱的萨克逊政府。He rep laced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government.

比恩议事是冈根人中较为显赫的奥托洛人。Rep Been is a member of the more prominent Otollo race of Gungan.

“校园代表”---低级的销售工作盯着新毕业大学生。"Campus Rep" -- These low-level sales jobs prey upon recent grads.

六月落果前小果和衰老果实具有较高的乙烯释放能力。In fruitlet and senescing fruit, REP was higher before "June drop".

冈根代表会议高官办公室位于奥托冈加城内。Inside Otoh Gunga is the High Board Room of the Gungan Rep Council.

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单击新索赔表单上的一个按钮呼叫一位客户服务代表。Click a button on the new claim form to call a customer service rep.

迈克尔·马克科隆·德克萨斯是现在国会中最富的成员。Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, is now the richest member of Congress.

马基代表已呼吁立即禁止在个人护理用品上使用三氯生。Rep. Markey has called for its immediate ban in personal care products.