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弗雷兹博览会的创始人之一兼主任阿曼达?Amanda Sharp, co-founder and director of Frieze thinks not.

最有趣的装饰是发现雕刻的柱子和一个石头牌楼。The most interesting ornamentation is found on a frieze and an arch-stone.

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每个人都戴上一个粗糙的草帽,帽子上拴着用染色白布做成的带子,同时还披上了黑粗绒料子的斗篷。Each put on a coarse straw bonnet, with strings of coloured calico, and a cloak of frieze.

每个人都戴上一个粗糙的草帽,帽子上拴着用染色白布做成的带子,同时还披上了黑粗绒料子的斗篷。Each put on a coarse straw bonnet with strings of coloured calico and a cloak of grey frieze.

这类享受细节化奢侈的人群难道不和在费里兹购买艺术游艇的俄罗斯财富精英们属于同一个类型吗?Isn't it more like a trivial luxury for the same fabled Russian moneyed elite who buy their art yachts at Frieze?

牠们走动的路线被记录在展场地图上,为日间的访客提供了另类参观路径。Their paths were then recorded and plotted onto a Frieze map to serve as route suggestions for daylight visitors.

残存的部分雕刻和材料现在保存在英国大英博物馆里。Some of the sculptures and frieze sections survived and can be seen today at the British Museum in London, England.

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帕太农神庙的西边雕带已经清理干净了,现在修补者正在清洗女像柱的门廊。The west frieze of the Parthenon has been cleaned, and now the restorers are working on the Porch of the Caryatids.

内层为毛巾绒,外层为一朵朵粉色玫瑰,相当的浪漫,薄毯,初夏使用刚刚好。The inner and outer frieze for towel for pieces of pink roses, quite romantic, thin blanket, early summer use just right.

当你浮在水面,迎着刺眼的阳光向岸上看去,沙滩上横陈的胴体在阿拉伯城镇的映衬下就像一条古铜色的带子。When you are at water level, against the sharp while background of the Arab town the bodies describe a copper-colored frieze.

博览会的贵宾参观计划很宽泛,组织得很好,中国藏家可以考虑参加2011年的佛利兹博览会。TheVIP FRIEZE visitor program is extensive and well organized, and China-basedcollectors would do well to consider attending FRIEZE 2011.

这些浮雕来自古雅典卫城的帕特农神庙。环绕在神庙内的中楣里,近一半就是这些浮雕。These comprise about half the frieze that once ran around the Parthenon on the Acropolis in ancient Athens, as well as many sculptures from the site.

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它的浮雕生动地描绘了巨人和奥林匹亚众神作战的情景,这座祭坛也因此跻身古代最杰出的艺术品行列。Its dramatic frieze depicting the battle between the giants and the Olympian gods makes it one of the most distinctive works from the classical world.