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金字塔的顶石已经一去不复返。The capstone of the pyramid has been removed.

波尔的而工作重点是巴尔末公式。Capstone of Bohr's work on the Balmer formula.

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你还知道用X射线照兰登的袋子可以找到压顶石。And you even knew to X-ray Langdon's bag to find the capstone.

并且这个公司以一种开放的态度对待顶石,把他们看作企业的顾问。The company was also open to Capstone taking a strong advisory role.

他是你们匠人所弃的石头,已经成了房角的头块石头。He is 'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.

吊挂的竿可能传导顶石中累积的力量。The suspended rod may have conducted forces accumulated in the capstone.

还有学生,在学术刊物上发表了总结性课程论文。And other people have published in scholarly journals their Capstone work.

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当然,解开迷题的方法,只有那个掌握压顶石的人。Of course, the way to do that is known only to the one who holds the capstone.

哈他瑜伽的顶点是力量和耐力,是对身体功能的极高控制。The capstone of Hatha Yoga is strength, stamina and supreme control of the body functions.

最后要修的一门课是总结性课程,开课时间是夏季。The final course the students take then is the Capstone project, which happens over the summer.

加州的凯普斯通涡轮公司将微型涡轮应用于公交车和轿车。Capstone Turbine Corporation of California is placing their micro turbine engines inside buses and cars.

这一计划标志著作为主席的考克斯为美国投资者降低全球壁垒的行动达到了新的高度。The proposal marks the capstone of Mr. Cox's push as chairman to lower global barriers for U. S. investors.

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1915年如期而至,这一年爱因斯坦的相对论达到了顶点,成功时的他也是百感交集。Thus it was that 1915, the capstone year for his theory of relativity, ended with mixed emotions for Einstein.

这是一个由十五所高校所组成的一个联盟,他们大部分都来自于加拿大。It’s a consortium of 15 universities, mostly in Canada, which are organizing joint senior-year capstone projects.

这就意味着,你去给兰登先生打电话让他来这里,并带着金字塔和压顶石。Which means, you are going to call Mr. Langdon and tell him to turn himself in, along with the pyramid and capstone.

最后的两个学期采用的是公司内部的项目,随后就是一系列的选修课和考试前的顶峰课程。The final two terms are taken up with an in-company project, followed by a series of electives and capstone courses before exams.

简介一下课程-,每位学生秋季上四门课,春季上四门课,然后是总结性课程。So just very briefly, the courses-- each student takes four courses in the fall, four courses in the spring and then the capstone course.

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来自Capstone投资公司的替代性能源高级分析师卡特尔•德瑞斯克尔表示,汽车生产需要巨额资金。Car production takes a tremendous amount of capital, notes Carter Driscoll, a senior alternative energy analyst with Capstone Investments.

我们很想利用总结性课程,作为踏脚石,让学生,更顺利地展开应用。And one of the things we really try to use the Capstone project for is a stepping stone into what you are going to do with your application.

当最后的压顶石和9英寸的铝制金字塔于1884年放置在上面后,华盛顿纪念碑成为当时世界上最高的建筑。When the final capstone and 9-inch aluminum pyramid were set in place in 1884, the Washington Monument was the tallest structure in the world.