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总的来说,很少人一直挣扎在温饱水平。In sum, few people remain at subsistence level.

生活资料只能按算术级数增长。Subsistence only increases in an arithmetic ratio.

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住宅是居民基本的生活资料。House is the basic living subsistence for the residents.

绝大多数物品是手工制造的,经济一般为自给自足型。Most goods are handmade and subsistence economy prevails.

山区农业是低收入人口的生计来源和生存保障。Agriculture is the subsistence of these lower income persons.

但大部分缅甸人仍旧为生计奔波劳累的农民。But most of Myanmar’s people still toil away as subsistence farmers.

薪金不足以维持留居东方的欧洲人的生活水平。Salaries were below subsistence level for the Europeans in the East.

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在农业中占很大部分的是种植业和畜牧业。Agriculture consists largely of subsistence farming and animal husbandry.

生活资料是由一系列顺序相承的技术使之增加并臻于完美的。Subsistence has been increased and perfected by a series of successive arts.

因此,我们总是被迫置身在生活的夹缝里,尴尬成了我们人类基本的生存状态。Man always lives in the crack, awkwardness is man's basic stace on subsistence.

而农耕捕鱼则让人想起落后的过去。fishing and subsistence farming, by contrast, are reminders of a backward past.

目前,我国还有一些人没有任何社会保险。Currently, our country's hasting some a body doesn't have security of subsistence.

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村民是自耕自足的农民,种植玉米、谷子、南瓜,也养鸡。The villagers were subsistence farmers, and grew maize, millet, pumpkins, chickens.

今天这里依然依靠自给自足的自然经济,造就了五分之四的穷人和极少数的暴富者。It is a place of subsistence farming, where four-fifths are poor and a few are very rich.

这样他也就必然触及到了这个图像化生存时代的精神本质。So he inevitably touches with the spiritual essence of this era of pictorial subsistence.

两个模型计算后得出结果相加预测的最低生活保障线金额,具有很强的直观性。The sum of the results from two models in used to predict the lowest subsistence expenses.

在加勒比海和北极为了维持生存猎杀海豚也有小规模的发生。Dolphin hunts also take place at a small subsistence level in the Caribbean and the Arctic.

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二是有利于取长补短,提高生存技能。Secondly, it is to help make up each other's deficiencies and improve subsistence capability.

数以亿计的中国人走出祈求生存的阶段,迈进中产阶级。Hundreds of millions of its people have been dragged out of subsistence into the middle class.

如果你视土地为敌人,因为它吝啬小气,仅能饱腹。You might regard the soil as your enemy because it yields reluctantly a niggardly subsistence.