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语音网络?。VON? VOice Network?

有请冯·特普全家。The family Von Trapp.

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看见范崔普的孩子吗?。See the von Trapp kids?

冯·特普家庭合唱组。The Von Trapp family singers.

冯。弗里施穿过玻璃观察它。Von Frisch watched through the glass.

冯·提尔被禁止参加电影节。Von Trier was banned from the festival.

上校在家举行了盛大的宴会。A grand party is held by the Von Trapps.

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安娜的父亲在西门子公司工作。Der Vater von Anna arbeitet bei Siemens.

我是西门子公司的工程师。Ich bin Ingenieur von der Firma Siemens.

冯·哈根斯对争议并不陌生。Von Hagens is no stranger to controversy.

韦恩赫·冯·布劳恩于1977年死于癌症。Wernher von Braun died of cancer in 1977.

王先生从哪儿来的?他从中国来。Woher kommt Herr Wang? Er kommt von China.

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嫁给了本村一个姓冯的矬子。Married to the village of a surname von shorty.

冯·哈根斯正在展示一只鸟的横切片。Here, von Hagens shows a slice taken from a bird.

丈夫冯矬子从那苦熬的炼狱中获释了。Husband von from from that for purgatory released.

马克西米利安.冯.施佩一八六一年出生于哥本哈根。Maximilian von Spee was born in Copenhagen in 1861.

冯•诺依曼发明了与游戏有关的数学理论。Von Neumann invented a mathematical theory of games.

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德国剧作家、诗人歌德.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German dramatist and poet

我先正从路德维希·冯·米塞斯和弗里德里克·哈耶克他们那入手。I'm starting with Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek.

冯··恩认为德国做了个“亏本生意”。Mrs von der Leyen thinks Germany is getting a bad deal.