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你会拉伤或过度用力吗?Can you strain or over exert?

他喜欢行使自己的权力。He likes to exert his authority.

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于是我用力地去擦拭....Then I exert oneself to polish....

我们发挥的影响力是很强大的。The influence we exert is powerful.

请让产妇平躺在床上,不要用力。Please let her lie flat, and don't exert.

某些尘粒将受到相等的力。Certain particles will exert equal forces.

最后两人都觉意犹未尽。End two people all felt an idea still exert.

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氧会对金属产生化学作用。Oxygen will exert a chemical action on metals.

他把他的胜利归于技能和努力的任务。He ascribes his success to skill or exert stay.

但是一个弹簧可以提供一个力A spring will, on the other hand, exert a force.

他把他的胜利归于技能和努力的任务。He ascribes his success to skill and exert work.

假如你欺人太甚的话,亨利就会辞职不干。Henry be to resign in case you drive he too exert.

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水向各个方向所施加的压力相同吗?Does water exert the same pressure in all directions?

拼一年春夏秋冬,搏一生无怨无悔!Exert oneself a whole life, feeling no remorse at all.

记住这么多新英语字词真是件苦差事。Remembering so a lot new phrases is really exert work.

这些都是向委员会施加压力的主要方法。These are the vital ways to exert pressure on the SPDC.

表达你的心声,绘出你的爱,展现你的才华!Express your heart, paint your love and exert your talents!

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尽你的全力让家平顺和谐。Exert you to let a going smoothly diapason with all strength.

真的猛士,将更奋然而前行。Really however the fierce gentleman, will exert the vanguard.

不要把它误解为需要卯尽全力或施加压力的苦差事。Do not misconstrue it as an effort to exert force or pressure.