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头号种子选手在第一轮就以2比6负于一名非种子选手。The first seed lost to an unseeded player by 2-6 in the first round.

任何的被不播种的奔流将会不管理由在视力上划除。Any unseeded torrents will be deleted on sight regardless of the reason.

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因为蜜蜂能够帮助把有籽西瓜的花粉授到无籽西瓜的花上。So bees can carry some of the pollen from the seeded watermelons to the unseeded ones.

第一轮就输给了一位美国的非种子选手,他的沮丧是可以理解的。He was understandably dejected after losing in the first round to an unseeded American.

但是会有些很好的非种子球队,无论面对哪支球队,在冠军联赛里面都是困难的。But there are some good unseeded teams and whoever you play in the Champions League is tough.

人们发现从播撒过的单个云中降落到地面的雨量,是从未经播撒云中降落下来的3倍。It was found that three times as much rain fell to the ground from seeded single clouds as from unseeded clouds.

在全省一些地区以最小的卖地的因素包括由于春季洪水的非种子选手亩。Factors that contributed to minimal land sales in some areas of the province included unseeded acres due to spring flooding.

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体外培养1周后,取组织工程瓣膜及未种细胞的空支架做血小板黏附试验。After cultured for 1 week, the tissue engineered heart valve and unseeded scaffold were tested by platelet adhesion experiments.

如果没有这些面包,蒸好的无籽面包也可,但你就失去了那些籽粒塞牙的感觉了,这一点我可不推荐。If you have no other buns available, a steamed unseeded bun will do, but you are missing the 'seed in your teeth' effect. This is not recommended.

另一场半决赛将在以7比5、6比4击败英国人安迪·穆雷的5号种子俄罗斯人尼克雷·达维登科和非种子选手菲利奇亚诺·洛佩兹中进行。The other semi-final will be between fifth seeded Russian Nikolay Davydenko, who defeated Britain's Andy Murray 7-5 6-4, and unseeded Feliciano Lopez.

来自英国的穆雷虽然击败了非种子选手胡安·伊格纳西奥·切拉,但他的表现并不精彩,三盘中五次失去发球局。The British player outclassed the unseeded Juan Ignacio Chela, but still made a straight-sets victory seem like hard work by dropping his serve five times.

举例来说,在三年之内,我们相信我们一定能测试不含细胞的褐藻酸盐支架对人类心肌梗塞的效果。Within three years, for example, we believe that we could certainly be ready to test unseeded alginate scaffolds in human patients who have suffered myocardial infarction.

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因此对心脏尚未出现严重重塑情形的病患,这种方法将能阻止重塑的发生,而有效防范患者的症状恶化为心脏衰竭。As a result, unseeded scaffolds could be especially effective in preventing cardiac failure from ever beginning in patients whose hearts have yet to undergo significant remodeling.

中国队同头呈种子印尼队,非种子瑞典队及芬兰队同分在a组,b组有二号种子丹麦队,卫冕冠军三号种马来西亚队,韩国队和泰国队。China is in Group A with top seed Indonesia, unseeded Sweden and Finland. Group B consists of second seed Denmark, defending champion and third seed Malaysia, South Korea and Tail and.

晏紫和郑洁是卫冕冠军,但是她们成为澳网近13年来首对成功卫冕的女双选手的希望被一对非种子选手打破了。Yan and Zheng were the defending champions, but their hopes of becoming the first women's pair to defend their title in 13 years were dashed by an excellent performance from their unseeded rivals.