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酒店运营商的财运常常随着整体经济而波动。Hotelier fortunes sway with the broader economy.

阿德里安泽乔可以说是世界顶级酒店业。Adrian Zecha is arguably the top hotelier in the world.

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被保险人在该保险场所从事宾馆业有多久?How long has Insured been in business as hotelier at this premises?

酒店于1997年开业,它是由迪拜酒店经营奠基人卓美拉经营。The hotel, which opened in 1997, is operated by the Dubai-based hotelier Jumeirah.

去年酒店人奖颁奖典礼上的一个红色角落让人流连忘返。The Hotelier Awards was painted red with a touch of sparkle during last year's award ceremony.

明智的酒店管理者应该把目光集中在可以提升酒店投资回报率的渠道建设上。The smart hotelier should keep a laser sharp focus on the channels that are driving maximum return on investment.

种植葡萄本身就是一个艺术,成为葡萄酒商是所有旅馆经营者最终的生活方式和私底下的愿望。Growing wine represents an art in itself, being a vintner is the ultimate life style and the secret wish of each hotelier.

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新加坡阿利拉酒店集团因其迷人的度假村而闻名,阿利拉的度假村全部拥有奢华的高档设施和优美的自然景色。Singapore hotelier Alila is well-known for stunning resorts that blend lap-of-luxury amenities with landscape-minded architecture.

另一家不愿透露名称,但也被列入名单的伦敦酒店表示,他们在酒店被列入最肮脏酒店名单以后就开始有客人取消订单。Another London hotelier included on the list, who asked not to be identified, said he had received cancellations since being named.

在我傍晚启程前,我还有足够时间来讲一讲我的鞍座和旅馆老板的故事。But before I get an early night, there is just about enough time to tell you the tale of the saddle and the hotelier from Safronbolu.

但是,这样做当然也让旅行者更好地了解到酒店经营者以及酒店是什么样的。We consider this less essential, but it certainly gives travelers an even better sense of who you as a hotelier and your property are.

作为第一批进入中国的希尔顿逸林酒店的总经理,蒋伯乐先生拥有长达二十五年的酒店工作经验。Mr. John Burger, a veteran hotelier with 25 years of relevant experience, is among the first general managers of Doubletree hotels in China.

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毕竟,反复无常的价格变动不会让任何人得益,而只会挫伤在线旅行社、酒店业者和旅行者等的积极性,”Garnier表示。After all, it benefits no one for pricing to be erratic and only serves to frustrate travel agent, hotelier and traveller alike, ” said Garnier.

谈及奥林匹克的影响,每一个酒店运营商都幻想着伴随着这个2008年的盛会,前来中国首都参观的人数上涨会给他们带来滚滚财源。Talk about a post-Olympic hangover. Every hotelier wanted to cash in on what was expected to be a boom in visits to the Chinese capital with the 2008 Games.

是但在穆宏伟先生的言谈中,我们更多感受到的,是一个国际型经理人独有的经营智慧,引领着世豪前进的步伐。That massive effort has been put in is beyond the doubt. We are more impressed by the sparkling wisdom, shown in his speech, of an international hotelier who has led Wealthy to move forward.