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最终的迁移。The final migration.

移徙常常是分步骤进行的。Migration is often stepwise.

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这种迁移不能做什么?What does this migration not do?

为生产迁移做准备。Prepare for production migration.

这将启动迁移向导。This starts the Migration Wizard.

食物减少导致鲸类迁徙?Drop in Food Driving Whale Migration?

这也是一个迁移要求。This is also a migration requirement.

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找不到合适的转移驱动程式。No appropriate migration driver found.

从迁移失败快速恢复。Quick recovery from migration failures.

安装和迁移改进。Installation and migration improvements.

使用OCCI和CDMI的服务迁移Migration of a Service Using OCCI and CDMI

执行尝试性的迁移过程,是非常关键的。Performing a trial migration is essential.

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阈值移植不以时间为基础。Threshold migration does not base on time.

但移民对纽芬兰而言并不新鲜。But migration is not new to Newfoundlanders.

你会否考虑申请商业移民?。Do you want to apply for business migration?

我将在迁移结束后再次禁用它。I will disable it again after the migration.

这使文件的迁移变得非常容易。This makes migration of the files very easy.

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或者说是记录在册的甲烷运移的案例呢?Or the documented cases of methane migration?

为什么人才外流会影响全球卫生?Why is migration a problem for global health?

第五章对多普勒走动现象进行了研究。Doppler migration was studied in chapter five.