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花园两侧是一些柳树。Some willows flank the garden.

他把手放在狗的胁腹上。He put his hand on the dog's flank.

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腰肉是在牛的哪个部分?。The flank is found where on the cow?

旁边的赛刊王说道。The match of flank publishes a king to say.

三姐妹山南峰南坡上的熔岩流。Lava flow on the south flank of South Sister.

左翼仍几乎未参战。The left flank remains practically unengaged.

我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry.

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骑马者用靴刺戳了戳马的侧腹。The rider dug his spurs into the horse's flank.

他们迂回到敌军的右翼。They turned the right flank of the enemy troop.

这支骑兵部队非常威风凛凛。They were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry.

本来应该是寻找对该树篱侧翼进攻路线。It would have found a way to flank the hedgerow.

总是用小可蝎子从侧翼进攻。Always flank with small groups of Scorpion Tanks.

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弗兰克牛排和美味肉片,大概比较安全吧。Flank steak and filet mignon are presumably safer.

辛辣波旁桃酱风味的辣味牛肋排Spice-Rubbed Flank Steak With Spicy Peach-Bourbon Sauce

本人从几个侧面谈谈学习体会。Oneself talk about study to experience from a few flank.

我装甲部队向敌军的右翼逼进。Our armoured troops bore down on the enemy's right flank.

儿童表现为无症状的可触及的腹部肿块。Children present with an asymptomatic palpable flank mass.

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我们突然行动攻击敌人的右翼。By a sudden movement we uncovered the enemy 's right flank.

御性地解除牵制。如果你的一部分计划是控制一种颜色的格子,就把象放。Flank them if part of a plan to control squares of one color.

科涅夫下令对德军被削弱了的左翼再发动一次攻势。Konev ordered another assault against the weakened left flank.