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不对。我是士官。I am a noncommissioned officer.

你是军官,对吗?No. I am a noncommissioned officer.

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我注意到了作为一位士官的任务。I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer.

后部军官把新兵转化成为战斗士兵。Noncommissioned officers drilled the new recruits to turn them into combat soldiers.

一次跟日军监狱长会面的时候,监狱长发现了国军士官身上的皮肤生病状况。A meeting with Japanese warden, warden found nations noncommissioned officer on the skin illness condition.

国军士官赶紧撒了个谎,声称是奉日本人的命令前来检查取暖设备。Nations noncommissioned officer hurriedly lied, claims to be in the Japanese command to check the heating equipment.

这包括空军领导学校,士官院校和空军高级士官学院。This includes the Airman Leadership Schools, Noncommissioned Officer Academies and the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy.

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军官和非正式的军官彼此都在一个团或一个师内服役。Both officers and noncommissioned officers alike served almost exclusively in the same regiment or division throughout their time in uniform.

告诉你们这些新兵,就算是你的候补军官的最小的命令也必须证明这是元首的命令。To you recruits I say even the smallest wish expressed by one of your noncommissioned officers must be interpreted as an order from the Führer.

一个军衔在下士之上、陆、海军陆战队上士之下,或者一级空军飞行员之上的士官。A noncommissioned officer ranking above corporal and below sergeant first class in the army or marines or above airman1st class in the air force.

镇压暴乱的指挥官们当然知晓自动武器都没有安装锁定钢板,他们只能依赖于士官来监督射击纪律。Commanders during those riots, knowing the lock plates were not installed, had to rely on their noncommissioned officers to enforce fire discipline.

其次,党卫队在劳伦堡建立了自己的候补军官学校来训练在战斗条件下的小股战斗群的指挥官。Next, the SS formed its own junior noncommissioned officer school at Lauenburg to train its troops to command small groups of men in combat situations.

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它的陆军相对小,但军官和士官均与技能和多年的经验,高水平的专业人员。Its army was relatively small, but the officer corps and noncommissioned officers were professionals with high levels of skill and many years of experience.

一级军士长、此次任务未授衔负责人Mark单膝跪在领头直升机打开的门侧。Mark a master chief petty officer and the ranking noncommissioned officer on the operation crouched on one knee beside the open door of the lead helicopter.

德军在斯捷潘诺夫卡的损失比例是惊人的,很多连队现在的连长是少尉或者高级候补军官,因为上级军官损失太大了。German casualties in Stepanovka were mounting at an alarming rate, with many companies now commanded by junior lieutenants or senior noncommissioned officers due to losses among senior officers.

军官的一种,通常为熟练技师或直升机驾驶员,军衔处于上士和少尉之间,具有委任状。A military officer, usually a skilled technician or a helicopter pilot, intermediate in rank between a noncommissioned officer and a commissioned officer, having authority by virtue of a warrant.