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下次什么时候到渥太华来呀?When will you be back in Ottawa?

渥太华也必须看到城市,我目前居住的地方。Ottawa is also a must-see city where I currently live.

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北国的雪线就在那伊利湖,尼亚加拉,渥太华。Some in the north finding their way to Erie, Niagara, Ottawa.

我在渥太华的一家工厂工作了21年。I have worked in a manufactoring plant in Ottawa for 21 years.

2010年,施决定和三个孩子定居在渥太华。In 2010, Shi decided to settle down in Ottawa with her three children.

8月26日,这起意外事故发生在一架从加拿大首都渥太华飞往该国马尼托巴省温尼伯市的民航班机上。The incident occurred aboard a flight from Ottawa to Winnipeg Saturday.

首都渥太华以及多伦多有明显震感,许多人从大厦撤离。Some buildings in Ottawa and Toronto were evacuated following the tremors.

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一女生求租----靠近渥太华大学的房子,一个单间,从8月28日起租。One girl looking for a room near University of Ottawa. Starts from 28th Aug.

现在Mushfiq在加拿大的工作室已经挂满了他的作品。Today, Mushfiq's Ottawa studio is filled with his paintings and calligraphy.

现在他的父母正在筹备星期六将在渥太华举行的葬礼。Now their parents are planning a small funeral for him in Ottawa on Saturday.

布什总统在渥太华会见了加拿大总理来恩·罗尼。President Bush has met in Ottawa with Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.

渥太华越来越冷了,你们带足暖和的衣服了吗?Ottawa is getting very cold and I am not sure if you are used to this weather.

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我正在渥太华照看宝贝孙子。他的确长得非常快!I am baby-sitting my grandson in Ottawa. He has certainly grown up very quickly.

我舅舅一家人在2000年移居加拿大,现在他们居住在渥太华市罗德岛。My uncle's family moved to Canada in 2000, they now live in Ottawa Rhode Island.

华盛顿和渥太华的官员都在竭力避免爆发全面的贸易战。Officials in Washington and Ottawa are scrambling to avoid an all-out trade war.

你至今为止见过的最差劲的时尚概念是什么?What is the worst fashion statement you have seen to date? Sarosh Shaheen, OTTAWA

加东三日游,渥太华,蒙特利尔,魁北克城,京士顿,千岛湖,周五下午回多伦多。East canada three days tour ottawa montreal quebec city kingston thousand islands.

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在圣诞节假期时她同意嫁给曲棍球明星男友迈克费歇尔。Underwood said yes to Ottawa Senators hockey star Mike Fisher 29 over the holidays.

加拿大央行行长波洛兹将在渥太华金融委员会作证词。Bank of Canada head Stephen Poloz is testify before the finance committee in Ottawa.

渥太华踝关节原则为临床工作者们何时使用影像学检查提供了指南。The Ottawa ankle rules provide a guideline on when to obtain radiographs of the ankle.