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在你的皮箱里使用它可以使你能够召唤鹰。Using it in your Portmanteau will allow you to summon eagles.

出国时他总是带著这个旅行箱。He always carries this portmanteau with him when he goes abroad.

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他对一个公务人员打了个招呼,用手指指自己的旅行皮包。He called to one of the officials, and pointed to his portmanteau.

内在化是一种多功能的介于发自肺腑的和视觉化之间的感觉。Visceralization is a portmanteau between visceral and visualization.

在那口旧皮箱里,放着几件不值钱的衣物。There are some worthless articles of clothing in the old portmanteau.

溶合句是从两种不同语言的句子结构溶合在一起而生成的一种句内语码转换句。A portmanteau sentence is a sentence which has a hybrid structure from two sentences in different languages.

是一个合成词,也就是由两个单词组成一个新的单词。Well brunch is a portmanteau word which is when two words and their meanings are combined together to form a new word.

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这些无疑十分现代又被广泛使用的“印地式英语”,印地语和英语的混合品种,显然很能说明问题。It is telling that these undoubtedly modern but widely-used phrases exist in Hinglish, a portmanteau of Hindi and English.

打开你的皮箱,把它放到你的中立符咒的一个里,它会使你变成任何生物的形态。Open your portmanteau and keep it in one of your neutral talisman. It allows you to change into the shape of any creature.

虽然残奥会的单词是瘫痪和奥运会的合成词,但是与瘫痪或者下肢瘫痪没有直接联系。No relation with paralysis or paraplegia is intended, though the word Paralympic was originally a portmanteau combining paraplegic and Olympic.

她回到罗茜那儿,提起那只放在地上的旅行提包,两人顺着墙根走到门廊下。She returned to Louise, took up the portmanteau , which she had placed for a moment on the ground, and they reached the archway under the shadow of the wall.

一个混成词从词恶意和软体来的,软体设计去渗入或损坏电脑系统,没有使用者的同意。Malware , a portmanteau from the words malicious and software, is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent.

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文章不仅详细地分析了小说中的双关语、拟声词、杜撰新词、混合词和转换引语等语言现象的艺术效果,而且还深入探讨了它们在特定语境中的作用。The essay not only analyses the artistic effect of puns, onomatopoeia, neologism, portmanteau and transforming citations, but also explores their functions in the particular context.

他走近卧铺,他的目光,不知是偶然还是有意,停留在那“难分难舍的东西”上面,这就是珂赛特过去曾经妒忌过的那只他不离身的小箱子。He approached his bed, and his eyes rested, was it by chance? was it intentionally? on the inseparable of which Cosette had been jealous, on the little portmanteau which never left him.