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四妹子今年一十六。I am sixteen years of age.

下个命名日就满十六了。Sixteen on my next nameday.

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天16个小时的工作量了。you know, sixteen hours a day.

她到六月里才满十六岁。And she was only sixteen last June.

我的新同桌是一个16岁的男孩。My new deskmate is a boy of sixteen.

他们的年龄是十六和十五。Their ages were sixteen and fifteen.

十六次连续说出这个。Say this sixteen times in succession.

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他们都是十六七岁。Their ages are sixteen and seventeen.

二十加十六等于三十六。Twenty plus sixteen equals thirty-six.

筐里有十六个苹果。There are sixteen apples in the basket.

课文中有十六个生词。There are sixteen new words in the text.

麦尔维尔写〈白鲸〉用了十六个月。Melville wrote MobyDick in sixteen months.

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每天有一万六千人参观它。Sixteen thousand people visit it every day.

我在这里教了16年学了。I have been teaching here for sixteen years.

花上十六个苏,他能得到一掬笑容和一顿晚饭。For sixteen sous he had a smile and a dinner.

我十六岁的时候开始喜欢英语。I Ilike english when I was sixteen years old.

十六个小时的行程使我烦闷到想大叫。Sixteen hours and I wanted to cry with boredom.

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如果你是十六岁或以下,尽量别谢顶。If you are sixteen or under, try not to go bald.

到现在为止,我选的这十六个目标是有一套模式的。There is a pattern to my sixteen targets, so far.

彼得有十五本书。李燕有十六本书。Peter has fifteen books. Li Yan has sixteen books.