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乐施会毅行者每年何时举行?Oxfam Trailwalker year be held?

我想你听说过乐施会。I imagine you've heard of Oxfam.

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我们参加毅行者活动是有意义的。It is meaningful for us to join Oxfam Trailwalker.

乐施毅行者活动每年什么时候举行?When does Oxfam Trailwalker take place every year?

乐施毅行者不单是一项体力活动。No, Oxfam Trailwalker is not just a physical event.

他们参加乐施毅行活动是有意义的。It is meaningful for them to join Oxfam Trailwalker.

他们可以四人一组参加乐施毅行活动。They can form groups of four to join Oxfam Trailwalker.

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2009年9月最后一个星期,乐施会忙得不可开交。The last week of September 2009 was very busy for Oxfam.

乐施会自2005年开始支持「Kitanglad联合非政府组织」。Oxfam began supporting Kitanglad Integrated NGOs in 2005.

为什么他想着做牛津饥荒救济委员会或红十字会的事?Why does he want to do the job of Oxfam or the Red Cross?

尽管如此,“乐施会所做的只是维持自己的存在”,她说。Nonetheless “A lot of what Oxfam does is to sustain Oxfam.

牛津饥荒委员会把它们卖掉,用这些钱支付各项计划用款。Oxfam sells them and uses th money to pay for its projects.

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乐施会已支援该组织超过十年。Oxfam Hong Kong has been supporting ACORD for over a decade.

我的第一次毅行者,是成?是败?Was my first ever Oxfam Trailwalking a success or a failure?

乐施会已提供紧急援助金。Oxfam has provided funds for emergency and rehabilitation work.

乐施会支援到城里打工的民工,为他们提供职业培训。Oxfam support migrant workers through training in job-related skills.

薛振冰为乐施会北京办事处的活动干事。Based in Beijing, Xue Zhenbing is an Events Officer with Oxfam Hong Kong.

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她以40小时2分钟完成100公里路程。She finished the 100km of Oxfam Trailwalker 2008 in 40 hours and 2 minutes.

乐施会1988年开始便于越南工作,1993年在河内开设首个办事处。Oxfam started working in Vietnam in 1988 and opened its office in Hanoi in 1993.

而在中国内地举行毅行者活动的计划,也正在商讨之中。Discussion is also continuing for a possible Oxfam Trailwalker in Mainland China.