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你竟胆敢来指点我怎么开汽车?Are you presuming to tell me how to drive my car?

假设她真的说了这些话,你会感到意外吗?Presuming this is what she actually said, does this surprise you?

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哪条路才是正确的呢?,假设我就是要做一个企业家?What's the most right way to go presuming I do wanna be an entrepreneur?

不要不懂装懂,尽量听出言外之意。Try to hear the meaning behind the words without presuming you already know.

在众目之下乘火马车在火旋风中辉煌而去的厄里亚,令人期望他回来完成他的伟业。They were presuming that it would have some connection with the "return" of Elijah.

你,假想你是相等于这模式里的身心,认为你是在行事着。You, presuming to be identical to the body-mind in this pattern, think you are doing it.

可以料想在三大恶魔被击败之后,赫拉迪姆那不稳固的友谊便开始消散了。Presuming the Three to be vanquished, the Horadrim's unstable fellowship began to dissipate.

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你想那些画工竟敢在皇帝宫中做起买卖来了,胆子也算大极了。Imagine the colossal nerve of those painters, presuming to flog their wares in the very palace of the emperor.

推测沉积作用是在水平面上发生的前提下,在与层的横向延伸相垂直的方向上量得的沉积岩的薄层或层的厚度。The thickness of a layer or stratum of sedimentary rock measured perpendicular to its lateral extent, presuming deposition on a horizontal surface.

设想这些专家认定信息是真实的,那么无论是个人还是社会必须改变对生命的世界观。And presuming that these experts believe this information to be factual, then we must change our entire outlook on life, as individuals and as a society.

但是“我们基于我们所掌握的东西做出假设,如果你也有某种了不起的算法,再加上我们的时间序列,股市走势预测的准确性也会提高。”But “we’re presuming on the basis of what we found, if you have some kind of super-duper algorithm and you add our time series, its accuracy will go up, as well.”

实效积温在推测播始历期、调整后播亲本播种期以及花期预测等方面具有一定的实际指导意义。The conclusions gave the guidance for presuming duration from seeding to heading, adjusting the sawing date of later sowing parents and forecasting the florescence.

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我假设你感觉到了一些事情发生,而你并没有表现出一个成年人应有的样子去和你的女儿谈谈她所想的事情。I'm presuming you snooped because you sensed that something was up—yet you didn't act like an adult and approach your daughter to talk about what might be on her mind.

我和我的哥哥之间终于发生了一种新的争执,我就坚决地维护我的自由,认定他不敢拿出新的合同来。At length, a fresh difference arising between my brother and me, I took upon me to assert my freedom, presuming that he would not venture to produce the new indentures.

我要把休士顿的房子卖掉,以为可以很快找到买主,所以没有等旧房子卖掉,就在查塔努加签约买了一栋房子。We had a house to sell, but presuming we could find a buyer quickly, committed to purchase a home in Chattanooga without making it contingent on selling the other house.

凭借西方和中国的历史经济数据,许多西方经济学家继续错误地判断出中国的经济是继续繁荣,还是会停滞不前。Western economists continue to make the mistake of presuming that historical western or Chinese economic statistics will foretell either continuation of China's boom, or its pending demise.

提出了稳定过程中的管理协调控制机构M的假设,分别建立了在完全信息和不完全信息条件下的非股权战略联盟相对稳定模型。Presuming a control management institute M, the dynamic stabilization model of Non-equity Strategic Alliance under conditions of complete information and incomplete information is established.

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环境污染犯罪是一种新型犯罪,环境污染犯罪的特征决定了因果关系推定原则是认定环境污染犯罪因果关系的主流性原则。Environmental pollution crime is a recently emerging crime. The principle for presuming the crime based on cause-effect relationship has proved a mainstream principle for establishing its nature.