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晋国人口知多少?。What about the Population of Jinn State?

一位探险者绳降进入到阿曼的马吉里斯尔金洞穴。An explorer descends into the Majlis al Jinn cave in Oman.

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通过冥想,他与奎-冈·金的英灵取得联系。Through meditation, he made contact with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn.

目前学界关于春秋时期晋国人口总量问题的研究尚是一段空白。At present, the research about population of Jinn state has not be done.

吉林镍业公司富家矿,应用分层胶结充填采矿方法采矿。Sublevel cementing mining is used in Fujia Mine, Jinn NickelCorporation.

通过冥想,他与魁—刚·金的灵魂进行了交谈。Through meditation, he was able to commune with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn.

有些伊斯兰法学家考虑承认精灵与人类之间的婚姻合法。Some Islamic jurists consider marriage between jinn and humans to be lawful.

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可以用弹弓发射枣核或者李子核射杀这几种精灵。These kinds of jinn can be killed with date or plum stones fired from a sling.

精灵和人类都可以结婚,可以有子女,都吃饭、玩耍、睡觉、饲养各自的家畜家禽。Jinn and men marry, have children, eat, play, sleep and husband their own animals.

按照冈根人的传统,加·加必须报答奎-冈·金的救命之恩。By Gungan tradition, Jar Jar found himself indebted to Qui-Gon Jinn for saving his life.

安纳金的自由是由绝地大师奎刚金的巧妙赌博而得来的。Anakin's freedom was a condition of a cleverly crafted wager by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

一些潘杰希尔人认为,谋杀马苏德也是奥萨马•本•拉登向穆斯林精灵的宣战。In murdering Masoud, some Panjshiris say, Osama bin Laden declared war on Muslim jinn also.

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从五个方面介绍了吉林市6年来实施科技兴市战略的经验。In the paper, the experiences of how Jinn City doing this in 6 years is prgsentedin five aspects.

加利亚在委员会任职期间,绝地大师奎-冈·金提出训练阿纳金·天行者。Gallia served on the Council when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker to be trained.

当绝地大师金魁刚带安纳金‧天行者来接受训练的时候,葛莉雅正在绝地议会中服役。Gallia served on the Council when Jedi Master Qui -Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker to be trained.

但他们真的很亲密——我猜他们可能从魁刚·金去世后就每天都呆在一起了。But they're really close- they've been together probably every day since Qui-Gon Jinn died, I suppose.

其血流中的纤原体数目很高,促使金收他为徒。He had a very high midi-chlorian count in his bloodstream, prompting Jinn to take him as an apprentice.

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欧比王和金魁刚两人相处这麽久,很多事都有不同的意见,这只是其中之一。This was just one of many disagreements that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn had during their time together.

绝地大师奎-冈·金把年轻的阿纳金·天行者带到委员会面前准备让其受训时,他也在场。He was present when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn brought young Anakin Skywalker before the Council to be trained.

金魁刚在塔图音回报关于西斯攻击的报告,绝地议会的反应只是犹豫和质疑。Qui-Gon Jinn 's report of a Sith attack on Tatooine was met by the Jedi Council with hesitation and skepticism.