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芭蕾舞团排演舞台上,由埃德加德加。Ballet Rehearsal on the Stage, by Edgar Degas.

摩里索和德加在同一个社交圈出入。Morisot and Degas moved in the same social circles.

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周三早上当博物馆开馆时德加的画作被发现遭窃。The Degas was gone when the museum opened on Thursday morning.

无钠、无钙,能有效的达到除气、除渣作用。Without sodium and calcium, it can effectively degas and remove slag.

其中还包括一幅莫奈,几幅德加的素描,三幅伦布兰特。The haul also included a Manet, several Degas sketches and three Rembrandts.

真空脱气机组包括真空脱气机、真空泵及离心泵。The vacuum degas unit consists of vacuum degas machine, vacuum pump and acentric pump.

不过米拉公寓仍很有魅力,就像是小孩子画的恐怖画似的---如果你的孩子是Degas.It's charming instead, like a child's drawing of something scary—if your child were Degas.

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每一次,不过,德加选择显示不闪烁,但在幕后努力工作。Each time, though, Degas chose to show not the glitter but the hard work behind the scenes.

并运用四极质谱计对它们进行了真空放气性能和放气成分的分析。The vacuum degas character and degas composition are analyzed, by quadrupole mass spectrometer.

可是它背负的恶名使德加只好把画卖给了来自布莱顿的英国收藏家希尔上尉。But its notoriety helped Degas to sell the work to an English collector called Captain Hill from Brighton.

这些已经是很久以前的事情了,我现在仍继续研究德加和马奈,所有这些印象派画家。And I am quite far away from my connection now. But I am continuing to work on Degas , and Manet, and all these artists.

新年除夕夜里,一幅厄德盖尔·德加的彩粉画在法国南部的马赛市坎缇尼博物馆内不翼而飞。On New Year's Eve, a pastel by Edgar Degas disappeared from the Cantini museum in Marseille, also in the south of France.

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对RH精炼工艺的钢液循环流动、脱碳、脱气的原理以及影响因素进行了分析。The paper analyze the principle of steel circulation of flow, decarburization, degas and all of the factors affected in RH refining.

根据催化剂在输送立管和脱气罐内的流动特点,分析了催化裂化过程中再生催化剂产生携带烟气的原因和脱气的原理。The paper analyze the principle of steel circulation of flow, decarburization, degas and all of the factors affected in RH refining.

奥赛博物馆收藏著如同宝藏般的油画和雕像,其中包括许多出自塞尚、莫内和艾德加之手的作品。The Museed'Orsay houses a treasure trove of paintings and sculptures, including many of the finest works of Cezanne, Monet, and Degas.

德加因此而成为艺术史上很难归类又毋庸置疑其大师地位的矛盾人物。Therefore Degas becomes a man of contradictions, and his position of a great master in art history is hard to classify and is beyond doubt.

具有讽刺意味的是,德加后来大胆摒弃颜色,简化了色调,非常接近印象主义主流派。Ironically, in his late use of bold simplified colors with a degree of abandon, Degas came closest to the concerns of mainstream impressionism.

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具有讽刺意味的是,德加后来大胆摒弃一些颜色,简化了色调,非常接近印象主义主流派。Ironically, in his late use of bold simplified colors with a degree of abandon, Degas came closest to the concerns of mainstream impressionism.

未脱气地幔在地球演化过程中几乎没有进行过脱气或组分分异,它保持着原始地幔的富气特征,其含气丰度约是脱气地幔含气丰度的99倍。The undegassed mantle doesn't degas and keeps the gas rich feature of the primitive mantle and is 99 times of gas content of the degassed mantle.

最好是利用煮沸的水,因为去离子水已经静待一段时间脱气和减轻产生细微气泡的机会。It is best to use water that is boiled, because deionized water that has been sitting for a time to degas water and lessen the chance of fine air bubbles.