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一位奇努克妇女拿着一个装着蛤蜊的篮子。A Chinook Indian woman holds a clam basket.

这意味着Chinook成为一个较大的目标。Which means the Chinook makes for a bigger target.

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1号机化为了一团火焰的同时爆破组登上了支奴干。Helo one burst into flames while the demolition team boarded the Chinook.

2007年2月,一架奇努克直升机坠毁在扎布尔,造成了8名美军人员死亡。In February 2007, a Chinook helicopter crashed in Zabul, killing eight U.S. personnel.

直升机降落在拉什卡尔加,孩子们转移到平民医院。The Chinook lands at Lashkar Gah and the children are transferred to a civilian hospital.

当营救的支奴干最后到达的时候,一个军医走出来跪在尸体面前。When the rescue Chinook eventually arrived a medic stepped out and knelt over the corpse.

不过要能区别红鲑和国王鲑,可能还要数年的分析研究。Nailing down the differences between sockeye and chinook salmon could take years, however.

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支奴干直升机倒下了成吨的水,但大部分看起来都错过了目标。Chinook helicopters dropped several tonnes of water, much of which seemed to miss its target.

奇努克是中型至重型载重直升机,能长途运输特殊部队。The Chinook is a medium to heavy lift helicopter capable of transporting SP teams long distances.

在上空阿帕奇直升机的掩护下,他们爬上了切努克和黑鹰直升机。They climb aboard Chinook and Blackhawk helicopters while assault Apaches provide cover overhead.

西部艾伯塔省受山区和享有的冬天落山风吹袭下所带来的气候温和。Western Alberta is protected the mountains and enjoys the mild temperatures brought by winter chinook winds.

阵亡者名单中还包括有3名美国空军特别行动成员以及5名陆军直升飞机机组人员。The dead included three Air Force special operations forces and the five-man Army crew of the Chinook helicopter.

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他们的渔获包括当地的彩虹鳟鱼、幼年王鲑、公牛鳟鱼、银鲑鱼,鳟鱼和杜父鱼。The catch included resident rainbow trout, juvenile chinook?salmon, bull trout, coho salmon, steelhead and sculpin.

奥巴马政府内部的高级官员透露,该架CH-47“奇努克”双引擎直升机应该是被击中后坠毁的。Obama senior government official said the aircraft CH-47 "Chinook" twin-engine helicopter is crashed after being hit.

北约说,星期二这架奇努克式直升机刚刚在库纳尔省的一个基地降落就受到攻击。The alliance says the Chinook helicopter had just landed at a base in Kunar province Tuesday when the attack took place.

一条安大列湖支流钓获的奇努克鲑,放流之前在水中的照片。Lake Ontario tributary chinook salmon takes a moment to pose for the camera before this release. Photo by Brian Bradfiled.

麦迪森海特阳光照射时长比加拿大其他城市多出几小时,冬季还可享受温暖的钦诺克风。Medicine Hat receives more hours of sunlight than any other city in Canada and enjoys the warmth of Chinook winds in the winter.

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这些春季大鳞大麻哈鱼正在前往宏伟的喀斯开山脉下的威那齐河及艾舍客冰溪。These Spring Chinook salmon are heading for the Wanatchee River and Icicle Creek, in the shadow of the majestic Cascade Mountains.

这些春季大鳞大麻哈鱼开始游往雄伟的喀斯喀特山脉附近的温纳奇河和冰溪。These Spring Chinook salmon are heading for the Wenatchee River and Icicle Creek, in the shadow of the majestic Cascade Mountains.

契努克族印第安语的创建者,玩检验员的一个电脑程式,现在主张,它由人类或电脑竞争是无敌的。The creators of Chinook , a computer program that plays checkers, now argue that it is unbeatable by human or computer competition.