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你们还能想到更严重的亵渎神灵吗?。Can you imagine a more terrible sacrilege?

这样一来她就会冒亵渎神明的危险。By doing so, she would risk committing a sacrilege.

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在我父亲看来,圣诞节的商品化是对圣诞节的一种亵渎。My father considered the commercialization of Christmas to be a sacrilege.

荣誉是没有太大的事,而奠定的手对他们是一种亵渎。No honor was too great for them, and to lay hands on them was a sacrilege.

在州里的某几个地方,提出枪支管制就相当于是亵渎神灵。In certain parts of the state, the mention of gun control constitutes sacrilege.

你要知道你现在所遭受的一切是来自于你的亵渎。Everything you have ever known Kratos, will now suffer because of your sacrilege.

吃在这本书的创作,不仅旁边的一点,它接壤的亵渎。To eat the creations in this book is not only beside the point, it's bordering on sacrilege.

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他认为要他扮演这个丢脸的角色实在是对他莫大的侮辱。He regarded the suggestion that he should act such an undignified part as a kind of sacrilege.

这样,把所有这些神圣教条打得粉碎的摩尔根,就是犯了某种渎圣罪。Morgan had committed a kind of sacrilege in dissolving all these hallowed dogmas into thin air.

这位主教上周在这间教堂主持一场「补偿弥撒」,以弥补此一亵渎神的行为。Last week the bishop celebrated a "Mass of reparation" in the cathedral to make up for the sacrilege.

即使原剧并不怎么样,让新演员来演绎这些故事仍然像是一种近乎亵渎的行为。Even if an original show wasn’t that good, it can seem almost sacrilege to have new people playing these parts.

有一种快乐来自于对我们应该膜拜的对象的冒犯和亵渎。There is a kind of pleasure which comes from sacrilege or the profanation of the objects offered us for worship.

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公民从未对政府产生过如此强烈的不信任,然而要想对某些神圣的空间做出改变,又会被视为一种亵渎。Citizens have never been more distrustful of government, yet to alter certain sacred spaces would be considered sacrilege.

你要知道你现在所遭受的一切是来自于你的亵渎,你将永远不会成为奥林巴斯的统治者,是时候在这里画上句号了。Everything you have ever known, Kratos, will now suffer because of your sacrilege. You will never be the ruler of Olympus. The cycle ends here.

而在希腊泛神论传统或任何类似的古代文化传统中,此一假设纯属亵渎神灵。The assumption would have been a sacrilege in the eyes of anyone in the Greek pantheistic tradition, or in any similar tradition in any of the ancient cultures.

在寻找传统的蔬菜食品市场的过程中,我们差点干了亵渎的蠢事,我们绕着大昭寺逆时针行走。In search of the traditional vegetable and food market, we even commit sacrilege and walk counter clockwise around the Jokhang. The market is worth the detour though.

从进一步的询问可以确信,斯卡拉蒂得到了他妻子的赞同,可以确信斯卡拉蒂没有任何形式的亵渎神灵、犯罪的过失,还可以确信他的血统没有被摩尔人玷污。Further questioning determines that Scarlatti has obtained his wife's consent, is guilty of no form of sacrilege or crime, and that his ancestry is free of Moorish taint.

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恶魔们并非都是冷冰冰的生物,虽然其总体形象使人厌恶,但是当我们想到怪物史瑞克时,它的形象看起来亵渎了恶魔们的憎恶形象。An ogre isn’t definitely the coolest living thing and the entire appearance makes us hate the package but, when we think about Shrek, the whole hatred theme seems a sacrilege.

找到她的遗骨对于莱昂纳多画作的魅力能有什么影响呢?What could finding her remains change to the charm of Leonardo's painting? To look for her bones seems a sacrilege to me, " said one of them, actress and writer Natalia Strozzi.

在众人眼里,美国的星条旗成为了对基督教堂的亵渎,代表着对人类家园的焚烧,牵连着人们对于水刑的恐惧,而这正是您造成的。You make the American flag in the eyes of a numerous people the emblem of sacrilege in Christian churches, and of the burning of human dwellings, and of the horror of the water torture.