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去东方广场怎么走?How can I go to the Orient Plaza?

香港是东方之珠吗?Hong Kong is the Pearl of the Orient?

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我需要一些时间来使我的思想适应。I need some time to orient my thinking.

在蓝天里初升太阳光辉夺目。The rising sun is orient in the blue sky.

颐和园的大门叫东宫门。Summer Palace door called Orient House door.

亚洲人大部分是矮矮的。The Orient people majority are short person.

我们必须使我们的工作面向人民的需要。We must orient our work to the needs of the people.

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我们的对手是莱顿东方,实际上那是我的处子秀。We faced Leyton Orient and it was actually my debut.

我们必须调整我们的工作,以适应市场的需要。We must orient our work to the needs of the markets.

现在的“东方列车”从巴黎驶往维也纳。The current Orient Express runs from Paris to Vienna.

中国创造,那是来自东方响亮的口号。Chinese creation is clangorous slogan from the orient.

然后我们从尼斯乘东方快车去伊斯坦布尔。Then we take the Orient Express to Istanbul from Nice.

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然后我们从那里乘东方快车去伊斯坦布尔。Then we take the Orient Express to Istanbul from there.

中文是我们这些理科学生的选修科目。Try to orient your students towards the science subjects.

“东方的玻璃,以便它向南,”伊斯利说。"Orient your glass so that it faces south, " Easley says.

上世纪三十年代,上海被称为“东方巴黎”。In the 30's, Shanghai was called the "Paris of the Orient".

会商帮闲我适应新的发言。The discussion helped me orient myself to the new language.

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RMP模式是产品的宏观设计模式,主要应用于对产品的导向性设计。RMP mode is a macro design mode, which focuses on orient design.

她最后登上了“东方快车”专列,远赴中东。She ended up aboard the Orient Express, headed for the Middle East.

利用城内的著名建筑物,你可以很容易地确定自己的方位。You can easily orient yourself in the city by the famous buildings.