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我想吃皓宁小受。Ex. I would like to eat Stanley.

虽然吵杂点,但比特还算是有趣的孩子。Ex. Peter is a pleasant if noisy child.

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该合同从表面看来是令人满意的。The contract was ex facie satisfactory.

他是委员会的当然成员。An ex officio member of a committee, etc.

我以前经常跟我前女友来这儿。I used to come here all the time with my ex.

麦克白夫人生来一副铁石心肠。Ex. Mrs. Macbeth has a heart as hard as flint.

恩。设置钱到100是一次性的任务。For ex. setting money to 100 is one-shot task.

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不要当真嘛。我只是开个玩笑啦。Ex. 4 Don't take it seriously. I'm just joking.

你做过爱没?我做过-感觉很给力!Have you ever had s. ex? I have- it felt great!

你的前任开始卖弄风情,千万别取悦他们。An ex is flirting, do not entertain them please.

和你的前任维持朋友关系是不可能的事情。It's impossible to retain a friendship with your ex.

我转过椅子面朝着他开始说话。Ex. I turned the chair to face him and began to talk.

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我和前女友偏偏是在一家减肥中心相识的。I met my ex in a Weight Watchers meeting, of all places.

不得通过公民权利剥夺法案或追溯既往的法律。No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

比尼在那一带开了一家只有一张椅子的理发店。Ex. 1 Beeny had a one-chair barbershop in the neighborhood.

而且我所知道的州中,也没有什么法律规定我必须把这一切告诉我的前妻。No law that I am aware of states that I have to tell my ex.

你和别人约会,但是他们看起来总比不上你的前任对象。You date people, but they never seem to measure up to the ex.

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她痛苦地解释了她对朴素链条的抱怨。She painfully ex plained her com plaint about the plain chain.

就好像某神灵下凡,一夜之间带来了这些变化。As if some deus ex machina had wrought these changes overnight.

荟英社提供了一个为前区的气体传感器的广泛的产品系列。EGE provides a broad product range of sensors for gas EX areas.