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却仅呈现为他自身的幻影?Appears a simulacrum of his own.

大便已经不可能了,只剩下大便的拟像。Baudrillard Shit is no longer possible, only the simulacrum of shit.

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它是一个没有魅力的地方,对抗死亡的一个幻影。It is a place of disenchantment, a simulacrum of accumulation against death.

不像法术反射,暗拟像不取消传入的咒语。Unlike Spell Reflection, Dark Simulacrum does not cancel the incoming spell.

北宋词人张先以善于写影而著称。The poet Zhang Xian in the Beisong Dynasty is famous for describing the simulacrum.

如上图所示,结果是一个可见的影像原型。As the pictures above show, the result was often a recognisable simulacrum of the original.

在高度信息化社会里,符号的幻象性已引起了人们的广泛关注。Simulacrum of signs has attracted wide attention in the present society full of information.

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我的旅途是生活的模拟,对经验的反思和理解自我存在的比喻。Mine is a simulacrum for life, a reflection on experience and a metaphor for understanding my existence.

然后利用W-M函数模拟了路面的轮廓曲线,经过对比分析发现该模型能反映实际轮廓曲线的本质特点。After simulating the real road by W-M function find that this model can reflect the genius trait of simulacrum.

如果希望是激励和拥有的愿望,诱惑将会在期之前有着相同意愿,被幻想所激励着。If desire is a will to power and possession, seduction places before it an equal will to power by the simulacrum.

波德里亚则提出“仿像”说,认为艺术“创造”现实消解生活。Baudrillard put forward the theory of simulacrum and meaned that the art create the reality and dispel the reality.

而那些出现在他怍品中的形象,朱伟说全是编造的,他们来自平时的拍摄素材。About those images in his works, Zhu Wei says they're all simulacrum , and from the materials he photographs ordinarily.

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这全都构成了法国乡村生活的假象,不过并没有乡村生活的单调,因为你正身处文明的中心。It all adds up to a simulacrum of French village life – but without the tedium, because you are in the epicentre of civilisation.

之所以要在这类对局中满编碎冲,就是要赶在对面的枷锁之前利用一下自己的幻影。One reason having four Shrapnel Blasts is important here is just to get rid of Solemn Simulacrum before he can take him with Vedalken Shackles.

德勒兹论述仿像的重点不在于仿像是否模仿或再现客体,而关注仿像自身可以是什么。The focus of Deleuze's discussion of simulacrum lies in what simulacrum itself may be, rather than the imitation or representation of the object.

这里,主要是进行了雷达舱模拟件中的等离子体电子数密度的实验测量以及关于磁增强型微波等离子体发生器是否能提高性能的理论和实验研究。Here, we diagnosed the electron density of plasma inside the simulacrum of the radar-dome and did research on improving the capability of the magnetic microwave plasma production.

不可复归的自我开始显先出来,一种表示此情况的方法是说,这可能是,he-he-he-he的,某种面具或者成像。That which is irreducible to the self begins to come into focus e-e-e-e and a way of expressing this is to say e-e-e-e which is perhaps in some way or another a mask or a simulacrum of he-he-he-he.

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第四部分则是对新感觉派创作的具体分析,因为这一文学创作流派描绘的城市是那一时期上海城的“拟像”,具有重要参考意义。The fourth part is the specific analysis of novels of neo sensationalism, novels of neo sensationalism had built a literature simulacrum of the Shanghai city, so they had a important reference value.