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印度东北地区的反叛组织从中国获得了帮助?Insurgent groups in N- E getting help from China?

摩苏尔是叛军暴力的最新温床。Mosul is the latest hotbed of insurgent violence.

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特种部队作为赶死队,到处搜寻叛军首领。Special forces act as death squads hunting down insurgent leaders.

目击者称周日青年党占据了抓哇的一个镇。Witness say the insurgent group Outshiba sees the town of Jaha Sunday.

然而,这场战斗给起义大业带来了悲壮的先烈和雄浑的战斗口号。But the battle gave the insurgent cause its martyrs and its battle cry.

法鲁克说,他们受到暴乱分子和政府军队的双重威胁。Faruk says they are threatened both by insurgent and government forces.

同时他还声明叛乱领导人将在巴基斯坦避难。But he said insurgent leaders have been able to take refuge in Pakistan.

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这里曾经是反动势力的温床,不过近两年里这里的反动活动已经基本平息。Once an insurgent hotbed, it has been fairly calm for the past two years.

他们总共进行了三次袭击和一次近距离作战,最后战胜了起义的得克萨斯守军。It took three assaults and close combat to overcome the insurgent garrison.

克里斯.谢尔顿中士扔下一名叫做穆罕默德.塔里的叛乱者的东西。Sgt. Chris Shelton dropped the belongings of an insurgent named Mohammad Tali.

继续开展打击"基地"组织和叛乱组织的反恐行动。Continue counter-terror operations against Al Qaeda and insurgent organizations.

西方官员认为,哈卡尼网络或许是最为危险的叛乱组织。Western officials say the Haqqani network may be the most dangerous insurgent group.

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美国军方表示其帮助伊军平息了发生在巴格达萨德尔城的一场暴动。The US military says it has helped quell an insurgent uprising in Baghdad's SadrCity.

美国军方称他们帮助平息了在巴格达萨德尔城发生的一起暴乱。The US military says it has helpedquell an insurgent uprising in Baghdad's Sadr City.

会上并没有指出是那些省,因为他们担心这些省会成为叛乱分子的袭击对象。They were not identified for fear of turning them into targets for insurgent attacks.

一五六○年,英军前来协助造反的新教徒,法军才离去。They did not leave till 1560, when the English came to assist the insurgent protestants.

家乡那边没有多少好消息-尽是持续的斗争和叛乱袭击。There's not been much good news from back home- continued fighting and insurgent attacks.

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冉阿让一言不发,帮助他救下的那个起义者穿上他的制服。Jean Valjean, without replying, helped the insurgent whom he was saving to don his uniform.

一个走私者则称,没有一个阿富汗叛军能感觉自己是安全的,他之前是一名塔利班副指挥官。No Afghan insurgent can be sure he’s safe, says the smuggler, a former Taliban subcommander.

像基地组织这样的叛乱分子使战争成为了一场大屠杀,而冲突本身又是一场内战。Insurgent groups like Al Qaeda added to the carnage, but the conflict itself was a civil war.